
unusual facts about Lublin R-X

Lublin R-X

After evaluation by the Polish Air Force, the R-Xa won the contest for a liaison plane in December 1929, over PWS-5t2 and PZL Ł.2, having the shortest take-off and landing, good handling at low speed and satisfactory performance, but the factory was ordered to develop design further.

Lublin R-XII

The Lublin R-XII was the Polish three-seat sports and touring plane, designed in 1930 in the Plage i Laśkiewicz factory in Lublin, that remained a prototype.

Lublin R-XVI

All R-XVIb's were used from 1935 by the Polish Red Cross (PCK), which operated military ambulances in Poland.

Lublin R-XVIII

Lublin R-XVIII (otherwise known as Lublin R.XVIII) was a Polish heavy bomber design created by Jerzy Rudlicki of the Plage i Laśkiewicz factory in Lublin.

The Lublin-based Plage i Laśkiewicz works presented in 1929 the Lublin R–XVIII, while Podlaska Wytwórnia Samolotów submitted PWS-22 and PWS-23.

see also