
unusual facts about Lublin R-XVI

Lublin R-XVI

All R-XVIb's were used from 1935 by the Polish Red Cross (PCK), which operated military ambulances in Poland.

2008 Valencia International Piano Competition Prize Iturbi

Valencia International Piano Competition Prize Iturbi XVI took take place in Valencia from September 15–27, 2008.

2009 Hermosillo daycare center fire

Pope Benedict XVI sent a telegram to Archbishop of Hermosillo José Ulises Macías Salcedo.

66th Illinois Volunteer Infantry Regiment

Colonel Patrick E. Burke - mortally wounded at the Battle of Rome Cross Roads on May 16, 1864 while commanding 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, Left Wing, XVI Corps, Army of the Tennessee.

Alessandro Peretti di Montalto

James Chater, "Music and Patronage in Rome: the Case of Cardinal Montalto", Studi musicali, xvi (1987), 179–227

Ancient Diocese of Mirepoix

Jean-François Boyer 1730–1736, preceptor to the Dauphin, father of Louis XVI (1730-1736)

Antipope John XVI

Once Otto III had returned to Germany, the faction headed by Crescentius II violently unseated Gregory V and, with the active support of the Eastern Emperor, Basil II, acclaimed John as Pope John XVI (997–998).

Antonio María Rouco Varela

When Pope Benedict XVI resigned on February 28, 2013, Cardinal Rouco Varela again was a cardinal elector and participated in the subsequent papal conclave that elected Pope Francis.

Armand Thomas Hue de Miromesnil

He was brought into the ministry by his patron Maurepas following the ascension of Louis XVI and the dissolution of the Maupeou ministry, taking office alongside Turgot and Malesherbes.

Armand-Emmanuel de Vignerot du Plessis, Duc de Richelieu

After a short stay in Austria, however, Richelieu joined the counter-revolutionary émigré army of Louis XVI's cousin, the Prince de Condé, which was headquartered in the German frontier town of Coblenz.

Armoire de fer

Paul and Pierrette Girault de Coursac, Enquête sur le procès du Roi Louis XVI, La Table Ronde, 1982.

Assyrians in Iraq

The Pope Benedict XVI Islam controversy arose from a lecture delivered on 12 September 2006 by Pope Benedict XVI at the University of Regensburg in Germany.

Charles Alexandre de Calonne

He was present with the Count of Artois, the reactionary brother of Louis XVI, at Pillnitz in August 1791 at the time of the issuance of the Declaration of Pillnitz, an attempt to intimidate the revolutionary government of France that the Count of Artois pressed for.

Charles S. Boggs

Ripley, George; Dana, Charles A. (Ed.) (1863): The New American Cyclopedia: A Popular Dictionary of General Knowledge, Volume XVI, V-Zwirner, D. Appleton & Company, New York.

Christian Schaller

From 2003 to 2012, Christian Schaller was the theological collaborator of Gerhard Ludwig Müller, Bishop of Regensburg, and at the same time, since 2008, Deputy Director (vicar) of the Institut Papst Benedikt XVI, which is responsible for the edition of the publication complete works of Joseph Ratzinger, the establishment of a specialized library and an archive for scientific research work of the theological Papa Emeritus.

Filmworks XVI: Workingman's Death

Filmworks XVI: Workingman's Death features a score by John Zorn for a documentary film by Michael Glawogger.

Foreign Office papal visit memo

The memo suggested that Pope Benedict XVI, during his visit, could launch a range of branded condoms, visit an abortion clinic, bless a gay marriage and apologize for the Spanish Armada.

Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney

Eventually, she maintained art studios in Greenwich Village and in Passy, a fashionable Parisian neighborhood in the XVI arrondissement.

Gesta Danorum

Johannes Oporinus, published 1534, title: Saxonis Grammatici Danorum Historiae Libri XVI

God is Love

Deus Caritas Est - Latin for "God is Love", Pope Benedict XVI's first Papal Encyclical

Gui Rochat

He was given a one-man exhibition of his private collection of European art glass in the New Orleans Museum of Art in 1986 and was invited to write an article on a recently acquired large portrait of Louis XVI, an autograph version of the Versailles portrait by the painter Antoine-Francois Callet Antoine-François Callet.

Hierarchy of the Catholic Church

The title of Pope (derived from a word, known in Greek as far back as Homer’s Odyssey 6:57, for "Father") is the most common title for the Bishop of Rome, and, in the traditional Latin abbreviation PP (sometimes lower-case), has been used in his official signature, e.g., "Benedictus PP XVI".

Hiwi al-Balkhi

He also protests against God's dealings with the houses of Baasha and Jehu, who are supposed to have provoked punishment from Heaven, the latter for his shedding the blood of Jezreel (Hos. i. 4) and the former for his having exterminated the house of Jeroboam (I Ki. xvi. 7), whilst according to other prophecies they were in so doing only fulfilling a commandment of God (I Ki. xvi. 14, and 2 Ki. x. 30).

Italian protectorate over Albania

In October 1918, the Italian XVI Corpo d' Armata (nearly four divisions, with even 2 Albanian volunteers battalions) conquered all north-central Albania from the Austrians: on 10/14 Durres, the next day Tirane and on 10/31 Scutari; finally on November 3 even Ulcinj and Bar in actual coastal Montenegro.

Jacques Pierre Brissot

At the time of the Declaration of Pillnitz, Brissot headed the Legislative Assembly: the declaration was from Austria and Prussia warning the people of France not to harm Louis XVI or they would "militarily intervene" in the politics of France.

James Isham Gilbert

Gilbert and a detachment of the XVI Corps (known as the Right Wing-XVI Corps commanded by Smith) were transferred to the Department of the Gulf under Nathaniel P. Banks for the Red River Campaign.

Jean-Frédéric Phélypeaux, Count of Maurepas

Jealous of his personal ascendancy over Louis XVI, he intrigued against Turgot, whose disgrace in 1776 was followed after six months of disorder by the appointment of Jacques Necker.

Juan de Palafox y Mendoza

The rite of beatification was presided by Cardinal Angelo Amato, Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints, by mandate of Pope Benedict XVI.

Julian Corbett Prize in Naval History

XVI (1938-1939), p. 100; published in Naval Review 27 (May 1939), 201–18, reprinted in Naval Review 68 (April 1980), 139–50.

Karl Josef Becker

According to John L. Allen, Jr., Becker enjoyed the respect and trust of then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, the prefect of the congregation (and future Pope Benedict XVI).


Leonella Sgorbati (1940–2006), an Italian Roman Catholic nun who was murdered in Somalia shortly after controversial comments by Pope Benedict XVI concerning Islam

Lotus-Ford Twin Cam

The Mk.XVI was used by Bob Gerard Racing on Cooper T71/73 for John Taylor at 1964 British Grand Prix, but was no match against Coventry Climax FWMV and BRM P56 V8s, which were generating about 200 bhp.

Lublin R-X

After evaluation by the Polish Air Force, the R-Xa won the contest for a liaison plane in December 1929, over PWS-5t2 and PZL Ł.2, having the shortest take-off and landing, good handling at low speed and satisfactory performance, but the factory was ordered to develop design further.

Lublin R-XII

The Lublin R-XII was the Polish three-seat sports and touring plane, designed in 1930 in the Plage i Laśkiewicz factory in Lublin, that remained a prototype.

Lublin R-XVIII

Lublin R-XVIII (otherwise known as Lublin R.XVIII) was a Polish heavy bomber design created by Jerzy Rudlicki of the Plage i Laśkiewicz factory in Lublin.

The Lublin-based Plage i Laśkiewicz works presented in 1929 the Lublin R–XVIII, while Podlaska Wytwórnia Samolotów submitted PWS-22 and PWS-23.

Marco Augusto Dueñas

The sculpture, 4.5 meters high and made of white marble, is exposed on the exterior facade of St. Peter's Basilica and was blessed by the Pope on January 20, 2010.In 2010 Marco Augusto won another contest sponsored by Pope Benedict XVI to make a sculpture of Saint Maron, to be exhibited in the Vatican.

Mariarosaria Rossi

Mariarosaria Rossi (born Piedimonte Matese, 8 March 1972) is an Italian politician who served from 2008-2012 in the XVI Chamber of Deputies of the Legislatura della Repubblica Italiana, and from 2012 in the XVII Senate of the Republic.

Methoni, Pieria

We also know that in 359 BC, Argeas, former enemy of Amyntas (father of Philip II of Macedon), or according to certain historians (Diodorus, XVI, 3, 5.) one of his sons, had just obtained a fleet of 3,000 hoplites from the Athenians: The troops disembarked and then set up in Methoni.

Pauline de Tourzel

Pauline became to Marie Thérèse and went with her to the graves of her parents Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette.

Pope Benedict XVI and Islam

Pope Benedict XVI appealed on July 30, 2006 for an immediate cease-fire in the Middle East, hours after the deadliest attack in nearly three weeks of fighting between Israel and Hezbollah.

Princess Désirée, Baroness Silfverschiöld

Baroness Hélène Ingeborg Sibylla Silfverschiöld (b. Göteborg, 20 September 1968), who was a bridesmaid at the wedding of King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia of Sweden in 1976, and in the same year also for Prince Bertil and Princess Lilian of Sweden, Helene's godmother.

Rainer Woelki

On 2 July 2011 Pope Benedict XVI ratified Woelki's election by the cathedral chapter of Berlin and appointed him Archbishop of Berlin.


They were scheduled to perform at the Keep It True XVI festival in Germany in 2013, but cancelled their performance because their drummer broke both of his arms.

Renato Corti

He was embrolied in scandal after Pope Benedict XVI on 7 July 2007 issued the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum liberalising the use of the Latin Mass.


Horrified by the sickness and death caused by the mosquitoes that infest the swamps, he hopes to drain them; he goes to Versailles in the hope of obtaining the backing of King Louis XVI (Urbain Cancelier).

The Jewel of Seven Stars

The 2008 Penguin Classics edition of The Jewel of Seven Stars, edited by Kate Hebblethwaite, restored the original text, including the original ending and Chapter XVI, and included the second, upbeat ending as an appendix.

Vassar Home for Aged Men

Two later black marble mantels are in the reception room, which has a carved Louis XVI-style wooden screen supported by four Corinthian columns.


Caritas in Veritate (Latin: Charity in Truth) is the third encyclical of Pope Benedict XVI.


In May 1998 the Argonauts conducted a wholesale swap of their Lot XVI Hornets for Lot XI Hornets from VFA-195.

see also