After receiving an offer on their houses from Josh West's (Daniel Collopy) Project 56 scheme, Tony and Matilda's mother Beth (Clarissa House) decide to move in together, meaning that Matilda and Lucas will be living under the same roof.
George Lucas | Holden | William Holden | Lucas | Lucas Cranach the Elder | Matt Lucas | Cabo San Lucas | Lucas Grabeel | Lucas County, Ohio | Wilfred Lucas | Lucas Industries | Josh Lucas | Gary Lucas | Charles Holden | Amanda Holden | Maurice Lucas | Lucas Secon | Lucas Samaras | Lucas Cranach the Younger | Lucas County | John Lucas | Holden Caulfield | Stephen Holden | Spencer G. Lucas | Nate Holden | Jerry Lucas | Holden Commodore | Helge Holden | The FJ Holden | Robert Lucas |