His major influence in starting a senior newspaper was Maggie Kuhn founder of the Gray Panthers.
The Gray Panthers is an organization in the United States, which was founded in 1970 by Maggie Kuhn in response to her forced retirement at age 65.
During the 1950s and 1960s, Kuhn worked for the Presbyterian Church, where she hoped to give emphasis to the social dimension of the Gospel.
Maggie Smith | Maggie Gyllenhaal | Maggie | Maggie Nicols | Maggie Greene | Thomas Kuhn | Maggie Reilly | Maggie Simpson | Maggie Cheung | Maggie Moore | Maggie McIntosh | Maggie Brooks | Maggie and the Ferocious Beast | Robert Lawrence Kuhn | Maggie Q | Maggie MacNeal | Maggie Gallagher | Maggie Evans | Maggie Estep | Maggie Cassella | Maggie Beer | Kuhn, Loeb & Co. | Edward C. Kuhn | Bowie Kuhn | Walt Kuhn | Steve Kuhn | Maggie Williams | Maggie Thompson | Maggie Sawyer | Maggie Ryder |