He began moving up in the Hollywood world, eventually founding PRB, a production company, with Mary Pickford.
Other volumes in the White Crane series include Mark Thompson's Gay Spirit: Myth & Meaning, Toby Johnson's Gay Spirituality, James Broughton's posthumous collection of writings under the title All edited by poet and KPFA radio host Jack Foley, and a reissue of Take Off The Masks by Malcolm Boyd.
Malcolm in the Middle | Malcolm Harbour | Malcolm McDowell | Malcolm Fraser | Malcolm McLaren | Malcolm Muggeridge | Malcolm Gladwell | Boyd Rice | Arthur Boyd | William Boyd | Malcolm Forbes | Malcolm | Joe Boyd | Malcolm X (film) | Malcolm Sargent | Malcolm Morley | Malcolm Lowry | Malcolm Campbell | William Boyd (writer) | Stephen Boyd | John Malcolm | Malcolm Rifkind | Malcolm Pearson, Baron Pearson of Rannoch | Malcolm Mackerras | Malcolm MacDonald | Malcolm & Eddie | Federico Boyd | Noel Malcolm | Malcolm Turnbull | Malcolm Smith |