
unusual facts about Mallee


Murray Mallee |

Adenanthos dobagii

It has been reported growing in sand-heath, open mallee, and in a low mixed shrubland of Allocasuarina humilis (Dwarf Sheoak), Isopogon trilobus (Three-lobed Conebush) and Melaleuca pulchella (Clawflower) over sedges.

Beaked gecko

The habitat may be sand hills or plains, often associated with Triodia, and country such as mallee and mulga.

Drummond Nature Reserve

The soil of mallee area is a yellow sandy clay with the dominant plants being the low dense Eucalyptus drummondii and Allocasuarina.

Esperance Plains

The first biogeographical regionalisation of Western Australia, that of Ludwig Diels in 1906, included a region named "Eyre" that roughly encompassed the present-day Esperance Plains and Mallee regions.

Eucalyptus polybractea

The Blue mallee, or Blue-leaved mallee (Eucalyptus polybractea) is a small multi-trunked sclerophyll tree that grows naturally in western New South Wales and the Inglewood area in Victoria, Australia.

Leonard Clarke Webster

He collected the types of Eucalyptus websteriana (Webster's Mallee), later named in his honour, and Acacia coolgardiensis (Spinifex Wattle).

Mallee Catchment Management Authority

The Mallee Catchment Management Authority (CMA) region is the largest catchment area in Victoria, Australia, covering approximately 3.9 million hectares – almost one-fifth of the State.


It occupies semi-arid mallee scrub on the fringes of the relatively fertile areas of southern Australia, where it is now reduced to three separate populations: the Murray-Murrumbidgee basin, west of Spencer Gulf along the fringes of the Simpson Desert, and the semi-arid fringe of Western Australia's fertile south-west corner.

Mount Barney National Park

Many rare and unusual plant species grow in the park including the endangered Maroon Wattle, and the rare mallee eucalypt Eucalyptus codonocarpa, Mount Barney bush pea and Hillgrove Spotted Gum.

Murrayville Community College

Murrayville Community College is a State P-12 School located in the north western corner of the Mallee in Murrayville, Victoria.

Panitya, Victoria

The area of the locality contains a number of smaller areas, namely Panitya East which had a post office open from 1916 until 1933, Berrook which had a post office open from 1929 until 1935, Manya with a post office from 1928 until 1936, Sunset with a post office from 1921 until 1948 and, below the Mallee Highway, Ngallo.


Parilla, South Australia, a small town on the Mallee Highway in South Australia


Peake, South Australia, a small rural town in the Murray Mallee of South Australia

Persoonia myrtilloides

Subspecies cunninghamii is associated with the trees scribbly gum species Eucalyptus rossii and E. sclerophylla, rough-barked apple (Angophora floribunda), Callitris species, and mallees such as Eucalyptus multicaulis and narrow-leaved mountain mallee (E. apiculata).

Southern Scrub Robin

It is endemic to Australia, where it occurs in mallee and heathland in the semi-arid southern parts of the continent, extending from the Little Desert in the east though South Australia to the west coast between Kalbarri and the Pinnacles.

Spotted Harrier

The Spotted Harrier is a terrestrial bird residing in open grasslands, open woodland including acacia and mallee, inland riparian woodland, grassland and shrubland.

Watheroo National Park

The park is mostly composed of sand plain country which supports populations of heath, Mallee and Banksia and a large number of wildflowers.

Wingellina, Western Australia

Surrounded by large granite hills with mulga and mallee country, the community maintains many traditional activities such as hunting and gathering bush tucker as well as making many carved wooden artefacts.

see also