
39 unusual facts about acacia

Acacia: The Other Lands

Acacia: The Other Lands is a fantasy novel by American author David Anthony Durham.

Acacia: The Sacred Band

Acacia: The Sacred Band is a 2011 novel by American author David Anthony Durham, published by Doubleday.

Acacia: The War with the Mein

Acacia: The War with the Mein is a 2007 novel by American author David Anthony Durham.


The washed soil sprouts grasses in the brief rainy season, some small Dun palms (Hyphaene thebaica), Acacia and Calotropis procera, while the sandy bottom land to the west of the town can be thick with palms and is suitable for irrigated agriculture.

Asura cervicalis

The larvae have been observed on Ficus, Acacia and Eucalyptus species, but is suspected of feeding only on the Lichens on the trunks and branches of these plants.

Battle of Witpoort

Today, this area is a well tended farm and in the north, the level ground over which the Boers charged is now a wattle plantation.

Bokaa Dam

The dam is in a region of Acacia savanna that is used for grazing many livestock including sheep, goats, donkeys and cattle.

Box-Ironbark forest

Box-Ironbark forest is characterised by a canopy of box, ironbark and gum-barked eucalypts, growing to 25 m in height, over a sparse understorey of wattles, small-leaved and prostrate shrubs, herbs and grasses.

Buff-breasted Buttonquail

Reports describe this species as dependent on grassy woods made up of Melaleuca, Acacia, Alphitonia and Tristania.

Claise Brook

"One mile up the river from the last point is a small creek of fresh water, issuing from an extensive lagoon clothed with arborescent species of Metrosideros of great beauty. The banks are covered with the most interesting plants, amongst which I observed two species of Calytris, a species of Acacia with a scolopendrous-stem, and several Papilionaceous plants. The Angophoras on the flats are gigantic."

Clementi Woods Park

One is greeted by the sweet sounds of birds and insects as he makes his way along the footpath, which is beautifully lined with Acacia, Wormia and Tembusu trees.

Cornell North Campus

EcoHouse is located behind the Africana Library and is near several fraternities, such as Acacia, Kappa Delta Rho, Tau Epsilon Phi, and Alpha Gamma Rho.

Ctenopseustis obliquana

The larvae feed on a wide range of plants, including various broadleaved and coniferous trees and ferns, for instance Eucalyptus, Quercus, Acacia, Larix, Picea, Pinus and Pseudotsuga species.

Ctenosaura palearis

The habitat of C. palearis is characterized by a greater frequency of Stenocereus pruinosus, Albizzia idiopoda, Ximena americana and Acacia deamii.

Ectropis excursaria

The larvae feed on a wide range of plants, including Hedera helix, Pelargonium zonale, Juglans regia, Salvia officinalis, Pinus radiata, Rosa odorata, Gardenia jasminoides, Citrus limon, Hardenbergia violacea and Cassia, Acacia, Eucalyptus, Bursaria and Hakea species.

Erechthias diaphora

They have been recorded hiding underneath loose bark on Wattles and Gum trees.

Erik Paliani

Shortly after returning to Malawi he joined the Afro-fusion group Acacias Band (not to be confused with the similarly-named British band Acacia).

Finca Vigía

They reported that the property then was overgrown with manigua and flamboyan trees, but that most of the original empty rural land had since been taken over by new housing.

Geography of Namibia

A number of Acacia species are found here, as well as grasses and other shrubby vegetation.

Harwood's Francolin

Originally thought to inhabit Typha beds growing along small, shallow watercourses and Acacia thickets, studies in 1996 found F. harwoodi in a site with neither of these.

Lake Débo

The inundated Lake Débo and Walado Débo (Inner Niger Delta in Mali) form the pasture lands which are collectively known as the flooded forest savannah with aquatic herbaceous and two dominant species of Acacia.

Maroga melanostigma

The larvae feed on a wide range of trees, including Acacia species, especially Acacia mearnsii.

Medical Ostraca of Deir el-Medina

; Rash : Leaves of Acacia and Wax, smeared on the rash in the morning for four days.

Neighborhoods of Beersheba

Streets in this neighborhood are named after plants that grow in the Negev, such as Atad, Shita and Tzabar.


Of Zulu origin, the name is variously said to mean ‘the unexpected one’, referring to the way the river may suddenly come down in flood; ‘thorn-tree river’, referring to Dichrostachys or Acacia trees growing along the banks, or ‘skeleton river’, the reference being uncertain.

Pancake tortoise

The species inhabits the Somalia-Masai floristic region, an arid semi-desert characterized by Acacia-Commiphora bushland and Brachystegia woodland in upland localities.

Pholodes sinistraria

The larvae feed on a wide range of plants, including Rosa odorata, Camellia japonica, Persea americana, Citrus unshiu, Cassia species, Ricinus communis, Acacia species and Acmena smithii.

Polydesma boarmoides

The larvae, characterized by Sevastapulo for the "dark brown head with a pale, inverted V-mark", feed on the bark and foliage of Acacia, Albizia and Pithecellobium species.

Qattara Depression

The Acacia groves vary widely in biodiversity and rely on runoff from rainfall and groundwater to survive.

Raorchestes chlorosomma

The green-eyed bushfrog is a Critically Endangered species because both the habitat and area in which it is found are being degraded by the extensively used tea, eucalyptus, and wattle plantations.

Rüppell's Vulture

They roost on inaccessible rock ledges if these are available, or in trees, usually of type Acacia.

San Remo, Victoria

Around 1840 a deepwater port was established at Griffiths Point in order to provide exports of wattle bark, farm produce and cattle, and then later coal starting in the 1870s.

Schinia immaculata

The larval food plant is unknown, but the vegetation in the areas where it is found are dominated by Tamarix Prosopis, Acacia and desert shrubs.

Slaty Egret

The preferred breeding habitat is beds of Phragmites reeds, but it will also nest on islands of vegetation such as water figs Ficus verruculosa, Acacia species and Senegal date palms Phoenix reclinata.


The surrounding mountainsides were covered with forest dominated by Juniperus procera, and the lower slopes supported groves of Acacia, but now most of the hillsides are covered with plantations of Eucalyptus with only the odd native tree remaining, except for the groves protected by the presence of a church.

Tortilia flavella

Larvae have been recorded on flowers and fruit of Acacia species and on last years dried fruits of Punica granatum.


Very characteristic to this quarter is that the streets on the quarter's center are alphabetical named after native trees: Acacia, Bálsamos (Myroxylon pereirae), Cedar, Date Palm, Ebony, Ficus, Guayacán, Fig, Ilanes, Jiguas, Laurel and Myrtle.

Woodland Kingfisher

It is a common species of a variety of wooded habitats with some trees, especially Acacias, including around human habitation.


Moths of the genus Maroga are pests of wattles (Acacia) and have crossed over from their wild host-plant to become serious pests of cultivated stone fruit trees, particularly cherries.

A. verticillata

Acacia verticillata, the prickly Moses, prickly-leaved wattle, star-leaved acacia or whorl-leaved acacia, a perennial tree species

Acacia argyrodendron

Acacia argyrodendron is found in central Queensland in the basins of the Cape, Suttor and Belyando Rivers on clay soils in areas where the annual rainfall ranges between 475 and 655 mm (19-26 in).

Acacia Avenue

Iron Maiden recorded a song entitled "22 Acacia Avenue" on their third album, The Number of the Beast, about a brothel in which their fictional prostitute character Charlotte the Harlot works.

Acacia leiocalyx

Acacia leiocalyx (Black Wattle, Early Flowering Black Wattle, Lamb's Tail Wattle, Curracabah) grows in Queensland, Australia and as far south as Sydney in N.S.W. It is widespread and common in eucalypt woodlands, especially on well-drained, shallow soils.

Acacia mearnsii

Acacia mearnsii is a fast-growing, extremely invasive leguminous tree native to Australia.

Alabang–Zapote Road

It then crosses into the Madrigal Business Park and Alabang Town Center intersecting with Madrigal Avenue and Acacia Avenue.

Arabian Golden-winged Grosbeak

In Yemen it has been recorded in spurge (Euphorbia) scrub and woodland of acacias (Acacia) and junipers (Juniperus), while in the wooded Mahrah it is primarily found in Anogeissus/Commiphora woodland.

Ascotis selenaria

, Clover (Melilotus sp.), Cypress Spurge ( Euphorbia sp.), Acacia ( Mimosa longifolia), Mimosa dealbata, Salvia sp.


Charles Ramage Prescott, the father of the Nova Scotian apple industry, grew Nova Scotia's first Gravensteins in his orchard at Acacia Grove.

La Alameda Park, Quito

The park keeps inside trees that have stood the time, we can find palm trees, acacias, redwoods, toct, cedar and ash.

Loyoro, Uganda

There are dense thickets of acacia thorn with sansevieria and other succulents, making grazing difficult for the flocks and herds of the Dodoth people who live in the region.

Ludwig Preiss

Preiss is commemorated in the names of about 100 species of flora in Western Australia, including plants in the genera Acacia, Allocasuarina, Eucalyptus, Grevillea, Hakea, Kunzea, Melaleuca, Santalum, Xanthorrhoea and Callitris.

Max Koch

The last of these was named in his honour, as were species of several other genera, including Acacia, Aizoon, Scirpus, Thryptomene and Zygophyllum.

Mayureswar Wildlife Sanctuary

Main species of plants present at the sanctuary include Acacia catechu (Khair), Acacia sp (Hivar), Dalbergia latifolia (Sisoo), Ziziphus mauritiana (Bor), Carissa opasa, Alysicarpus bupleurifolius, Cyathocline purpurea, Eriocauion diane, Merremia marginata, Cucumis melo, Cyperus kyllingia, Striaga densiflora and Mereilea minuta.

Ministrymon azia

Adults feed on the nectar of various flowers, including Leucaena leucocephala, Melilotus alba, Cynoglossum amabile, Bidens alba, Turnera ulmifolia, Mimosa pudica and Acacia species.


Nitrogen fixation requires molybdoenzymes in legumes (e.g., soybeans, acacia, etc.).

Motagua Valley thornscrub

The vegetation consists mainly of thorny species such as cactus of the genus Opuntia, acacias, and thorny bushes of the Fabaceae family.

New Holland Honeyeater

Consequently, they are key pollinators of many flowering plant species, many of which are endemic to Australia such as Banksia, Hakea, Xanthorrhoea (Yacka), and Acacia.

Shining Sunbird

This species prefers rocky or sandy areas and dry river beds with Acacia and Ziziphus trees.

Silver dik-dik

The silver dik-dik (Madoqua piacentinii) is a small antelope found in low, dense thickets along the southeastern coast of Somalia and in Acacia-Commiphora bushland in the Shebelle Valley in southeastern Ethiopia.

Spotted Harrier

The Spotted Harrier is a terrestrial bird residing in open grasslands, open woodland including acacia and mallee, inland riparian woodland, grassland and shrubland.

Ugab River

Also found there indigenously are some stunted acacia trees, nara bushes, Acanthosicyos horridus, with their (almost leafless) spiky green stems, and improbably large melons.


UNIFI Companies, the company formed by the 2006 merger of Ameritas Acacia Mutual Holding Company and Union Central Life Insurance Company

Utricularia chrysantha

It grows as a terrestrial species in wet grasslands or Melaleuca-Acacia savannas at low altitudes near sea level.

Zacatecan deer mouse

As it alternative name of "southern rock deermouse" implies, is often found in rocky or broken terrain, where the common vegetation tends to be grasses, acacia, and shrubs such as acuhual.