
2 unusual facts about Malta exiles

Cihangirzade İbrahim Bey

On 13 April 1919, the capital of the republic, Kars, was occupied by the British troops under the command of General William M. Thomson and after a period of local resistance he was arrested by the British forces and sent, through Batum and İstanbul, to a one-year exile in Malta (see Malta exiles) together with 11 members of his cabinet.

Malta exiles

The names included the former grand vizier Said Halim Pasha (who was at first sent to Moudros), his brother Abbas Halim Pasha, the writer-ideologue Ziya Gökalp and others.

Süleyman Nazif

As a result of a speech he gave on January 23, 1920 at a meeting to commemorate the French writer Pierre Loti, who had lived a while in Constantinople, Süleyman Nazif was forced into exile on Malta by the occupying British military.

see also