
5 unusual facts about Manchester Royal Infirmary

Geoffrey Jefferson

By 1934, he was a neurosurgeon at the Manchester Royal Infirmary, becoming the UK's first professor of neurosurgery at the University of Manchester five years later.

Manchester Royal Infirmary also honours Jefferson with the Jefferson Suite, a training area in their Medical Education Campus.

Manchester Royal Infirmary

Other teaching hospitals which are part of the same NHS trust are: St Mary's Hospital, Manchester (founded 1790), the Manchester Royal Eye Hospital (1814), and the University Dental Hospital of Manchester (1884); Royal Manchester Children's Hospital (1829).

Thomas Percival

His personality, his interest in sociological matters, and his close association with the Manchester Infirmary led to the preparation of a scheme of professional conduct relative to hospitals and other charities from which he drafted the code that bears his name.

Thomas William Warnes

Warnes co-founded the Department of Gastroenterology at Manchester Royal Infirmary.

see also

Christie Hospital

An initial contribution of £2000 from local brewer Edward Holt was not initially much emulated, but following the intervention of the Mayor, a series of 'Radium days' were organized which eventually raised enough money to start a small Radium Institute, initially housed in the Manchester Royal Infirmary.