The series is an Anglo-French-German production presented by R.M. Productions (Film & Television) Ltd. and FR3, devised by Marcel Brion of the Académie Française, with the executive producers being Michèle Arnaud and Theodore Salata.
Marcel Duchamp | Marcel Proust | Marcel Marceau | Jon Brion | Marcel Breuer | Marcel Pagnol | Marcel Lefebvre | Marcel Dzama | Marcel Griaule | Marcel Carné | Marcel Mauss | Marcel Mule | Marcel Journet | Marcel Janco | Marcel Gauchet | Marcel Dassault | Marcel Bozzuffi | Cedrik-Marcel Stebe | Saint-Marcel | Marcel Vanthilt | Marcel Reif | Marcel Labey | Marcel Granet | Marcel Cerdan | Marcel Bigeard | Marcel Bellefeuille | Gabriel Marcel | Château La Mission Haut-Brion | Saint-Marcel-lès-Valence | Rosie Marcel |