Marcel Duchamp | Marcel Proust | Marcel Marceau | Marcel Breuer | Marcel Pagnol | Marcel Lefebvre | Marcel Dzama | Marcel Griaule | Marcel Carné | Verne Gagne | Marcel Mauss | Marcel Mule | Marcel Journet | Marcel Janco | Marcel Gauchet | Marcel Dassault | Marcel Bozzuffi | Cedrik-Marcel Stebe | Saint-Marcel | Marcel Vanthilt | Marcel Reif | Marcel Labey | Marcel Granet | Marcel Cerdan | Marcel Bigeard | Marcel Bellefeuille | Gabriel Marcel | Éric Gagné | Saint-Marcel-lès-Valence | Rosie Marcel |
SlashNET has been host to numerous IRC forums with famous people in the tech industry, including Ken Coar, Marcel Gagne, Richard Stallman, Jamie Zawinski, Matt Dillon of DragonflyBSD, Rob 'CmdrTaco' Malda and Jeff 'Hemos' Bates of Slashdot, Rusty Foster and Dylan 'Inoshiro' Griffiths of kuro5hin, and the crew.