
3 unusual facts about Margaret Catchpole

Margaret Catchpole

Rev. Richard Cobbold (son of her former employers) made Catchpole the subject of a novel, The History of Margaret Catchpole (London, 1845), which has often been reprinted.

She was buried in the graveyard of St Peter's church at Richmond, New South Wales.

Catchpole's letters of 8 October 1806 and 8 October 1809 are the only known eyewitness accounts of the Hawkesbury River floods of those years.

see also

Richard Cobbold

The History Of Margaret Catchpole: A Suffolk Girl became the 1887 play An English Lass by Alfred Dampier and C.H. Krieger, which formed the basis for the film The Romantic Story of Margaret Catchpole (1912)

The Romantic Story of Margaret Catchpole

In 1845 Richard Cobbold's historical novel The History Of Margaret Catchpole: A Suffolk Girl was published, which helped make Catchpole famous, even if it did distort history.