
2 unusual facts about Marina Abramovic

Abigail Levine

Levine has performed recently with Marina Abramović in her retrospective at the New York MoMA, with performance artist Carolee Schneemann, and with choreographers including: Jennifer Monson, koosil-ja hwang, Alan Good, Marianela Boán, Pat Catterson, Larissa Velez, Despina Stamos, Pele Bauch, Wendy Osserman and the Denishawn Repertory Dancers.

Heather Rose

She is currently working on a new novel based on the life of performance artist Marina Abramović.

Anna Novakov

Her writings on artists such as Marina Abramović, Dennis Adams, Shimon Attie, Tony Labat, Inigo Manglane-Ovalle, Michael Rakowitz, and Andrea Zittel has formed the basis for public art studies – an academic branch of art history and visual culture.

Erik Niedling

It consist of interviews with contemporary artists, critics, and collectors such as Olafur Eliasson, Harald Falckenberg, Damien Hirst, Hans-Ulrich Obrist, Marina Abramović, Olaf Breuning, Terence Koh, Genesis P-Orridge, Boris Groys, and Tobias Rehberger.

Herma Auguste Wittstock

Herma Auguste Wittstock studied Fine Arts at Braunschweig University of Art from 1999 bis 2004 with professors Mara Mattuschka, performance artist Marina Abramović and film maker Birgit Hein.

Hermann Nitsch

Later in 2011, the documentation of this 130th performance was exhibited in the 54th Venice Biennale's official collateral event, Personal Structure: Time Space Existence in Palazzo Bembo, together with the works from Marina Abramović's video installation, where she was locked in a staring battle with a donkey, and Xing Xin's live performance, 2011, I Exhibit Myself In A Western Exhibition.

Mary Jane Jacob

Jacob has mounted exhibitions, and created public art opportunities that have featured the work of some of the most influential artists in contemporary art including Mark Dion, Suzanne Lacy, Ernesto Pujol, J. Morgan Puett, Pablo Helguera, Marina Abramovic, Rick Lowe, and Alfredo Jaar.

Natalia LL

1995 - Mit Haut und Haar, (Natalia LL, Marina Abramović, Valie Export, Friederike Pezold), Forum Schloss Platz, Aarau/Schweiz

Richard Demarco

For many years, the Demarco Gallery promoted cultural links with Eastern Europe, both in terms of presenting artists such as Paul Neagu from 1969, Marina Abramović from 1973 and Neue Slowenische Kunst from 1986 within Scotland, organising exhibitions of contemporary Polish, Romanian and Yugoslav art and in establishing outgoing connections for Scottish artists across Europe.

see also