Expired is a 2007 comedy-drama film and the first writer-director credit for Cecilia Miniucchi, whose previous credits include the documentary on the work of artist Hermann Nitsch entitled Nitsch 1998.
In 2005 Zevola was the chief assistant to Hermann Nitsch in his 122nd Aktion al Burgtheater of Vienna, thus celebrating their more than thirty-year intellectual and artistic friendship.
Both his life and his art have been greatly influenced by his intellectual exchanges with Hermann Nitsch, Peter Kubelka, Antonio Gargano, Buz Barclay, Jonas Mekas and Bernard Heidsieck.
He is associated with the Vienna Actionists—a loosely affiliated group of off-kilter and confrontational Austrian artists that also includes Günter Brus, Otto Muehl, and Rudolf Schwarzkogler.
Later in 2011, the documentation of this 130th performance was exhibited in the 54th Venice Biennale's official collateral event, Personal Structure: Time Space Existence in Palazzo Bembo, together with the works from Marina Abramović's video installation, where she was locked in a staring battle with a donkey, and Xing Xin's live performance, 2011, I Exhibit Myself In A Western Exhibition.
Since opening in Philadelphia in 2002 adjacent to the University of Pennsylvania, Slought Foundation has featured international figures such as Dennis Oppenheim, Werner Herzog, Helene Cixous, Hermann Nitsch, William Anastasi, Arakawa + Gins, Braco Dimitrijevic, and Lorand Hegyi.
Hermann Göring | Hermann Hesse | Hermann von Helmholtz | Hermann Nitsch | Hermann Hauser | Hermann Bondi | Hermann Zapf | Hermann Tilke | Hermann Emil Fischer | Walther Hermann Richard Horn | Robert Hermann Schomburgk | Otto Hermann Kahn | Hermann Volrath Hilprecht | Hermann Scherchen | Hermann-Paul | Hermann Kesten | Hermann | Fallschirm-Panzer Division 1 Hermann Göring | Hermann Trophy | Hermann Oberth | Hermann Muthesius | Hermann Joseph Muller | Hermann Goetz | Hermann Cohen | Hermann and Dorothea | Paul Hermann | Hermann Weyl | Hermann von Fehling | Hermann von Eichhorn | Hermann Sudermann |
Interviewees include: Andy Warhol, Anish Kapoor, Joseph Beuys, Gilbert & George, Yoko Ono, R. Buckminster Fuller, Hermann Nitsch, Mario Merz, Gerhard Richter, Nam June Paik, as well as an interview with WB Yeats' daughter and readings by Yeats himself (in Vol.1
It features articles by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, LSE political philosopher, John Gray, renowned atheist philosopher, A. C. Grayling, LSE social scientist Nicos Mouzelis, an interview with anti-religion crusader Michel Onfray and features the Austrian actionist artist Hermann Nitsch, British artist Becky Beasley, Miuccia Prada protégé Martino Gamper and Warren Neidich.
Buergel received his education at the Institute of Contemporary Art (under Johannes Gachnang) at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and subsequently worked as private secretary to Viennese activist Hermann Nitsch.
Rudolf Schwarzkogler (13 November 1940 in Vienna – 20 June 1969) was an Austrian performance artist closely associated with the Viennese Actionism group that included artists Günter Brus, Otto Mühl, and Hermann Nitsch.