
6 unusual facts about Mario Borghezio

Christopher Ferrara

Ferrara and Gruner were invited to speak by the sponsors of the motion, MEPs Mario Borghezio and Lorenzo Fontana.

Florian Abrahamowicz

In December 2008, speaking on the weekly programme of Mario Borghezio's Padania Association on Radio Padania Libera (Radio Free Padania), Abrahamowicz attacked Cardinal Tettamanzi's views on the matter.

Mario Borghezio

In June 2013 he was expelled from the Europe of Freedom and Democracy, a eurosceptic group in the European Parliament, for making racist remarks regarding Italy's first black cabinet minister, Cécile Kyenge.

In May 2011, Borghezio made inflammatory remarks after the arrest of Ratko Mladic, the Serbian military leader indicted for war crimes at the Hague, including the genocide of 8000 Muslim men and boys at Srebrenica.

In October of 2012 Borghezio cosponsored with fellow MEP Lorenzo Fontana a motion for a declaration by the EU Parliament calling upon Pope Benedict XVI to carry out the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Nicholas Gruner

Gruner and Ferrara were invited to speak by the sponsors of the motion, MEPs Mario Borghezio and Lorenzo Fontana.

Lorenzo Fontana

In October of 2012 Fontana cosponsored with fellow MEP Mario Borghezio a motion for a declaration by the EU Parliament calling upon Pope Benedict XVI to carry out the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

see also