In addition to market price data there are data known as market reference data, such as a ticker name, which describe securities, commodities and transactions.
Centralized or enterprise data management is drove investments in large-scale enterprise data management systems which collect, normalize and integrate feeds from multiple data vendors, with the goal of building one "golden copy" of data supporting every kind of operation throughout the institution.
Operation Market Garden | market | Digital data | Array data structure | Foreign exchange market | Whole Foods Market | Electronic Data Systems | Data General | media market | Data East | data center | Alternative Investment Market | data | Control Data Corporation | Radio Data System | Market Square Arena | market research | Market liquidity | Automatic Data Processing | World Market Center Las Vegas | Protein Data Bank | Niche market | Market Theatre | Market Street | Federal Open Market Committee | data compression | Data | New Market, Virginia | Media market | Japanese domestic market |
Caginalp and collaborators have used both statistical and mathematical methods on both the world market data and experimental economics data in order to make quantitative predictions.