The landscape supports large numbers of moorland birds such as the Golden Plover, Red Grouse, Curlew and Twite.
The station's former goods yard is now the headquarters of the National Trust's Marsden Moor Estate, and the goods shed contains a public exhibition, Welcome to Marsden, which gives an overview of the area and its transport history.
real estate | Marsden | Marsden, West Yorkshire | Sunny Day Real Estate | Gerry Marsden | Real estate development | Moor Park | James Marsden | Biltmore Estate | William Marsden | The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust | Samuel Marsden | Real Estate | Rannoch Moor | Moor Park, Farnham | Moor | Marsden, Queensland | Wentworth Estate | housing estate | Harold Lloyd Estate | Crown Estate | Brian Marsden | Ahmed Moor | Un'estate italiana | The Singing Estate | real estate development | Real estate appraisal | Pennsylvania Real Estate Investment Trust | Moor Park (house) | Marsden Hartley |