The Virtual Disappearance of Miriam, created in 2000 by Martyn Bedford and Andy Campbell as part of the Ilkley Literature Festival, is an example of digital literature with a linear narrative that uses the digital medium, the computer screen, to aid the process of storytelling.
Bedford | Nathan Bedford Forrest | John Martyn | Bedford Vehicles | New Bedford, Massachusetts | Martyn Brabbins | David Bedford | Bedford School | New Bedford | Earl of Bedford | Bedford, Pennsylvania | John Martyn (singer) | Edward Martyn | Bedford, Texas | Bedford-Stuyvesant | Bedford, New Hampshire | Bedford, Massachusetts | Bedford County, Virginia | Bedford County, Tennessee | Martyn Ware | Bedford Square | Bedford College (London) | William Russell, 1st Duke of Bedford | Martyn Joseph | Martyn J. Fogg | John Russell, 4th Duke of Bedford | Herbrand Russell, 11th Duke of Bedford | Bedford, Nova Scotia | Bedford County, Pennsylvania | Bedford County |