
3 unusual facts about Matthew Poole

Genesis flood narrative

By the eighth edition (1853–1860), the encyclopedia said of the Noah story, "The insuperable difficulties connected with the belief that all other existing species of animals were provided for in the ark are obviated by adopting the suggestion of Bishop Stillingfleet, approved by Matthew Poole...and others, that the Deluge did not extend beyond the region of the Earth then inhabited".

John Hewley

He encouraged literary work, giving monetary support to the production of William Dugdale's Monasticon and Matthew Poole's Synopsis Criticorum.

Wilhelm Abraham Teller

He edited the earlier volumes of a Bibelwerk ("Bible Book", 19 vols, 1749–70) which was designed as an adaptation for German readers of the exegetical works of Andrew Willet, Henry Ainsworth, Symon Patrick, Matthew Poole, Matthew Henry and others.

see also