Lettres sur le christianisme (Berlin and Hanover, 1803) was a controversial correspondence with Wilhelm Abraham Teller of Berlin in regard to the Mosaic cosmogony.
In 1761 he was appointed pastor, professor of theology and general superintendent in the University of Helmstedt.
In 1767 Teller, whose attitude had made his position at Helmstedt intolerable, was glad to accept an invitation from the Prussian minister for ecclesiastical affairs to the post of provost of Cologne, with a seat in the Lutheran Supreme Consistory of Berlin.
He edited the earlier volumes of a Bibelwerk ("Bible Book", 19 vols, 1749–70) which was designed as an adaptation for German readers of the exegetical works of Andrew Willet, Henry Ainsworth, Symon Patrick, Matthew Poole, Matthew Henry and others.
Heinrich Döring, Deutsche Kanzelredner des 18ten und 19ten Jahrh. (German preachers of the 18th and 19th century), p.
Abraham Lincoln | Wilhelm II, German Emperor | Abraham | Automated teller machine | Wilhelm II | Wilhelm Reich | Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz | F. Murray Abraham | Battle of the Plains of Abraham | Abraham Ortelius | Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel | Bonwit Teller | Wilhelm Keitel | Abraham Maslow | Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling | Arthur Abraham | Abraham Laboriel | Wilhelm Furtwängler | Penn & Teller | Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel | Juergen Teller | Edward Teller | Abraham Joshua Heschel | Wilhelm Wundt | Penn & Teller: Bullshit! | Abraham ben David | Wilhelm Sasnal | Wilhelm Kempff | Wilhelm Busch | Spencer Abraham |