
3 unusual facts about exegesis

Cenotaph to Matthew Henry

This was intended to provide a statue near Chester Castle, to produce a cheap edition of Henry's commentary on the Bible, and to create a scholarship in his name at Oxford University.

Jean-François Collange

He served as Lutheran pastor in Alsace and New Caledonia, before turning to exegetical studies, taking up a post of practical theology at the Faculty of Protestant Theology of the University of Strasbourg in 1981.

Prophetic medicine

A theologian renowned for his exegetical endeavors, Al-Suyuti also composed two works on prophetic medicine, one of which was on sexual relations as ordered by Muhammad.

Albin van Hoonacker

In July 1889, Van Hoonacker was invited by the redaction of Journal de Bruxelles, a Catholic newspaper to react upon some writings in the field of orientalism and biblical exegesis by the jurist, journalist and socialist senator Edmond Picard on the historical value of the Bible.

Bahya ben Asher

Unlike the latter, Bahya did not devote his attention to Talmudic science, but to Biblical exegesis, taking for his model Rabbi Moses ben Nahman who is known as Nahmanides or Ramban, the teacher of Rabbi Solomon ben Adret, who was the first to make use of the Kabbalah as a means of interpreting the Torah.

Charles D. Provan

Provan expressed other controversial exegetical views in Christian News, including the idea that two books of the Old Testament: The Song of Solomon and Ecclesiastes were warnings concerning both the late-life degeneracy of King Solomon and thinking and behavior about which believers should not engage.

Christoph Ernst Luthardt

Christoph Ernst Luthardt studied theology at Erlangen and Berlin, and in 1856 became professor ordinarius of systematic theology and New Testament exegesis at Leipzig.


It is primarily based on the Bible (Old Testament and New Testament), the exegesis of these scriptures, the scriptures of early Christian philosophers and hermits, tradition, and legends incorporated from other beliefs.


Midrash, a Hebrew word referring to a method of exegesis of a Biblical text

Eustathius of Antioch

For instance, in the dispute with Eustathius of Antioch, who opposed the growing influence of Origen and his practice of an allegorical exegesis of scripture, seeing in his theology the roots of Arianism, Eusebius, an admirer of Origen, was reproached by Eustathius for deviating from the Nicene faith, who was charged in turn with Sabellianism.


A reading of the tractate Pesahim from the Babylonian Talmud (c. 500) makes it clear that in Talmudic times, matzo soaked in water was permitted during Passover; the Ashkenazi rabbi and exegete, Rashi (c. 1100), also indicates that this was unobjectionable (Berachot 38b).

Guhyagarbha tantra

Mipham (1846–1912) gsang 'grel phyogs bcu'i mun sel gyi spyi don 'od gsal snying po/ - An exegesis of Longchenpa's commentary on the Guhyagarbha Tantra

Hamza Abu Faris

In 2000 Hamza Abu Faris received his Ph.D in Islamic Sciences, with an emphasis in comparative Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) from the University of Zaytuna in Tunisia; his doctoral thesis was entitled “Judge Abdul Wahab al-Baghdadi and his approach to Exegesis of the Prophetic Message.”

Heinrich Paulus

He spent time in Bamberg, Nürnberg and Ansbach before becoming professor of exegesis and church history at the University of Heidelberg (1811–44), where he was instrumental in hiring Hegel in 1816.

Inayatullah Khan Mashriqi

He wrote an exegesis of the Qur'an which was nominated for the 1925 Nobel Prize.

Ismar Elbogen

He obtained his rabbinical diploma in 1899 and was appointed lecturer on Biblical exegesis and Jewish history at the Collegio Rabbinico Italiano in Florence.

Iustin Moisescu

In Warsaw, he established the following Polish-language courses: “General and specific introduction to the holy books of the New Testament”; “Exegesis of Saint Paul’s Epistle to the Galatians”; and “Exegesis of the prologue to the Gospel of John”.

Johann Conrad Dannhauer

He continued his studies at Marburg, Altorf, and Jena, lecturing at the same time on philosophy and linguistics and winning recognition at Jena by his exegesis of the Epistle to the Ephesians.

Johannes Brenz

He also lectured on the Gospel of Matthew, only to be prohibited on account of his popularity and his novel exegesis, especially as he had already been won over to the side of Luther, not only through his ninety-five theses, but still more by personal acquaintance with him at the disputation at Heidelberg in April, 1518.

Judy Klitsner

A disciple of the famous Torah teacher Nechama Leibowitz, Klitsner has grown to world acclaim through her writing and teaching of biblical commentary, which weaves together traditional exegesis, modern scholarship, and her own original interpretations that are informed by close readings of the text.

Leopold Zunz

It lays down principles for the investigation of the Rabbinic exegesis (Midrash) and of the siddur (prayer-book of the synagogue).

Matthew Brown Riddle

He traveled in Europe from 1869 until 1871, and in the latter year was appointed professor of New Testament exegesis in the theological seminary of Hartford, Connecticut.

Moritz von Aberle

He became professor in the Obergymnasium, at Ehingen, in 1845; director of the Wilhelmstift, in 1848; professor of moral theology and New Testament exegesis in the university at Tübingen, in 1850, a position he retained till the day of his death.

Peter Nigri

In 1465 he taught philosophy and was regent of studies in Cologne; in 1467 taught theology at Ulm; in 1469 or 1470 was elected prior in Eichstätt, on 31 May, 1473, the newly founded University of Ingolstadt conferred on him the degree of Doctor of Theology; in 1474 he taught theology in the convent at Ratisbon and in 1478 became professor of Old Testament exegesis in the University of Ingolstadt.

Pierre Batiffol

Together with his friend Marie-Joseph Lagrange OP, Batiffol founded in 1892 the magazine "Revue Biblique" for the historical-critical method of exegesis of the Old and New Testament.


The Maliki scholar Ibn al-Arabi, known for his exegesis of the Sunan al-Tirmidhi, stated that seeing and hearing the prophets while awake is possible for the pure believer.

Rawz al-jinan wa ruh al-jinan

Rawz al-jinan wa ruh al-jinan (The Cool Breeze of Paradise and God's Breath for the Soul) also known as Tafsīr Abū al- Futūḥ is an exegesis on the Quran written by Abu l-Futuh al-Razi in the 12th century.

Rylands Professor of Biblical Criticism and Exegesis

The Rylands Professor of Biblical Criticism and Exegesis is one of the professors in the University of Manchester, England, formerly in the Faculty of Theology and now in the School of Arts, Histories and Cultures.

Salvator Fabris

There is also an interesting, yet uncorroborated story about a Salvator Fabritz (sic) coming to Sweden in 1594 as an assassin hired by king Sigismund III Vasa, according to the Exegesis historica, written by Duke Charles and his Chancellor Nicolaus Chesnecopherus and printed in Stockholm in 1610 based on a Swedish version published in 1609.

Seligman Baer Bamberger

Koreh be-Emeth (Reading in Truth, 1871 and 1879, a reference to Psalms 145:18) addresses Torah exegesis where Talmud or Midrash use changes in letters to derive meanings from particular words.

The Woman's Bible

I will so far honor the revising committee of wise men who have given us the best exegesis they can according to their ability, although Disraeli said the last one before he died, contained 150,000 blunders in the Hebrew, and 7,000 in the Greek.

Theistic science

These views have been criticised by Christian physicist Howard J. Van Till, who rejects the conflict thesis, for relying on "folk exegesis" in his assessment of the bible's teachings on creation.

Wilhelm Abraham Teller

He edited the earlier volumes of a Bibelwerk ("Bible Book", 19 vols, 1749–70) which was designed as an adaptation for German readers of the exegetical works of Andrew Willet, Henry Ainsworth, Symon Patrick, Matthew Poole, Matthew Henry and others.

William Marshner

The impossibility of reconciling the historical-critical method of exegesis with the method of Christ and His Apostles forced him to deeper philosophical and theological questions.

An interest in Old Testament exegesis led him to postpone entry into the Lutheran seminary in order to pursue a degree at the Yale graduate school.

see also