
unusual facts about Mauthausen-Gusen camp trials

Robert Lévy

Every now and then, new selections among prisoners made to strip naked, were arranged on the block by head-doctor Friedrich Entress (see Mauthausen-Gusen camp trials).

Aart Alblas

Aart Hendrik Alblas, aka Klaas de Waard (Middelharnis, 20 September 1918 – Mauthausen, 7 September 1944), was a Dutch navy officer, resistance member and Engelandvaarder.

Aldo Carpi

In January 1944, during the World War II, he was arrested after a colleague informed on him, and was imprisoned in the concentration camp Gusen I of the Mauthausen-Gusen system, where he kept a diary and made a number of sketches portraying life and death in the camp.

Anna Hackl

In February 1945, family Langthaler, who lived in a farmhouse in Schwertberg, hid two Russian prisoners of war: Michail Rybtschinskij (died 2008) und Nikolai Zimkolo (died 2001), who escaped from the concentration camp in Mauthausen.

Antoni Gościński

He still needed medical care, so his friend hid Dr. Goscinski’s body on a cart of corpses headed to be cremated at the main camp of Mauthausen.

Antonio García Barón

After the Civil War he was in France early in the Second World War and was present at the Dunkirk evacuation in 1940, before being captured and sent by the Nazis to Mauthausen concentration camp.

Aribert Heim

As an SS doctor in a Nazi concentration camp in Mauthausen, he was accused of killing and torturing many inmates by various methods, such as direct injections of toxic compounds into the hearts of his victims.

Arnold E. Samuelson

During this campaign, Samuelson's crew was the first group of Allied photographers to document Nazi crimes and the plight of concentration camp prisoners at Lenzing and Ebensee, two subcamps of the Mauthausen concentration camp in Austria.

Ebensee concentration camp

The construction of the Ebensee subcamp began late in 1943, and the first 1,000 prisoners arrived on November 18, 1943, from the main camp of Mauthausen and its subcamps.

Edi Stecher

When she was deported to the Mauthausen-Gusen concentration camp, she fled from the train and came to Vienna, where she received help from Anna Manzer.

Eleonore Poelsleitner

Eleonore Polsleitner was a female guard at the Mauthausen concentration camp in Austria.

Erich Wasicky

Erich Wasicky (born May 27, 1911 in Vienna – died May 28, 1947 at Landsberg Prison, Landsberg am Lech, Allied-occupied Germany) was a pharmacist at the Mauthausen concentration camp in charge of gassing victims.

Ernst-Günther Schenck

Prior to adoption, it was tested on 370 prisoners in Mauthausen-Gusen concentration camp, some of whom died of hunger edema.

February strike

425 Jewish men, age 20-35 were taken hostage and imprisoned in Kamp Schoorl and eventually sent to the Buchenwald and Mauthausen concentration camps, where most of them died within the year.

Fritz Cremer

A further memorial at Mauthausen was commissioned to Cremer by the German Democratic Republic's Association of Victims of Fascism in the mid-1960s.

During his time in Austria, Cremer designed two memorials for the victims of fascism, a small one for the French prisoners at Mauthausen and a very important and controversial one at the central cemetery of Vienna.

Fürstengrube subcamp

In September, November, and December 1944, the Polish and Russian prisoners were moved to the Flossenbürg, Buchenwald, and Mauthausen concentration camps.

Gerhard Skiba

In 1992 representatives from Bautzen, Mauthausen, Wunsiedel and other towns with an “unwelcome heritage” followed his invitation for the 1st Braunau Contemporary History Days.

Gino Valenzano

During World War II Gino and his brother Piero had to leave Turin because of their relation to Pietro Badoglio, so they lived in Rome for a while, until they were sold out to soldiers, who deported the brothers to Mauthausen.

Gisela Legath

Confronted with news of an upcoming march to the Concentration Camp (KZ) Mauthausen, Krausz and his friend Cundra decided to escape into the forest to wait for the advancing Russians.

Hermann Häfker

Hermann Wilhelm Häfker (* 3 June 1873 in Bremen; † 27 December 1939 in the Concentration Camp Mauthausen) was an important film theoretician as well as an acknowledged Esperantist and writer.

He fled 1936 to Prague, was brought to Dachau concentration camp after the German invasion and died in the Concentration Camp Mauthausen.


During World War II, a satellite camp of Mauthausen concentration camp was opened inside the caverns, producing parts for the He 162 jet fighter.

History of the Italian State Police

In this regard, it was among the many dead of Police (through its various denominations), the noble if not unique, Giovanni Palatucci, an official of the Immigration Office, which prevented the deportation of thousands of Jews and that he was deported and died at Mauthausen.

J Malan Heslop

In May 1945, Heslop was among the first American photographers to document evidence of Nazi crimes and the plight of surviving inmates at Ebensee, a subcamp of the Mauthausen concentration camp in Austria.

Jan Kobylański

In 2005, Mikołaj Lizut wrote in the Gazeta Wyborcza that Jan Kobylański falsified documents of the Red Cross, that he was a prisoner at Auschwitz, Mauthausen, Gusen, Gross Rosen, and Dachau concentration camps.

Jan Sviták

Sviták also tried to warn the prominent Czech singer and actor Karel Hašler, who was later murdered in Nazi concentration camp Mauthausen.

Jewish Documentation Center

After being liberated from the Mauthausen-Gusen concentration camp by the U.S. Army, Wiesenthal began gathering and preparing evidence on Nazi atrocities for the War Crimes Section of the United States Army.

José Cabrero Arnal

In 1940, while his adoptive country was under German occupation, he was captured and deported to the Mauthausen concentration camp, as were many other Republican exiles.

Józef Cebula

16 days later, he was taken to a concentration camp at Mauthausen in Austria and was harassed and forced to work hard.

Karel Pavlík

After the betrayal of Ladislav Vaněk in the group Jindra, Pavlík was captured by the Gestapo and later sent to Mauthausen.

Ketani Association

An important point is the organization and participation at commemoration events for victims of the National Socialist Regime, for example Maxglan, Mauthausen and Lackenbach.

KkStB Class 99

These engines worked the lines Bolzano-Meran, Krems-Mauthausen and on the changeover (Wechselstrecke) of the Aspangbahn.


The decree stated that escaped Allied prisoners of war, especially officers and senior non-commissioned officers, should be handed over to the Sicherheitsdienst who should execute them, "im Rahmen der Aktion Kugel", in concentration camp Mauthausen.

KZ – Nebenlager Bretstein

The concentration camp in Bretstein was an external camp of the concentration camp in Mauthausen located in Upper Austria, which directed about more than 50 external camps.


During World War II it was the site of slave labour and the "Gusen III" sub-camp of the Mauthausen-Gusen system later on.

Marcelino Bilbao Bilbao

There, he was first interned at the French concentration camps in Argelès-sur-Mer, later forced to work on the Maginot line, and finally deported by the Germans to the Mauthausen concentration camp.

Martin Gerken

Martin Gerken was a German communist and one of the highest-ranking Kapos in the Mauthausen-Gusen concentration camp.

Montse Armengou Martín

The films examine different aspects of the Spanish Civil War and the Franco dictatorship; - the forced relocation of Republican children, disappearances and mass graves, and the 1940 deportation of Spanish Republicans from the French town of Angouleme to the Nazi concentration camp Mauthausen, Austria.

Noah Flug

In the last months of the war he was also sent to Gross-Rosen concentration camp and was rescued by the Allied forces while on a death march to Mauthausen.

Resistance movement in Auschwitz

The first commander of the larger group was Rawicz, representing ZWZ, who was transferred to Mauthausen concentration camp in 1942.

Rudolf A. Haunschmied

Even as a youngster, before his education as a mechanical engineer, he researched the "lost" history of the St. Georgen-Gusen-Mauthausen area with its four Nazi concentration camps and focused as a pioneer on the history of the KZ Gusen I & II & III Concentration Camps.

Stadio Carlo Castellani

Inaugurated on September 12, 1965 the ground was dedicated to Carlo Castellani, former football player born in nearby Montelupo Fiorentino, who died prematurely after being deported to the concentration camp of Mauthausen.

Štěpán Trochta

During the war Bishop Trochta was a leader of resistance against the Nazis and a known friend to Christians, Jews and Communists during years as a prisoner in Mauthausen and Dachau concentration camps.

The Starr Affair

Subsequently captured, tortured and imprisoned in Fresnes prison, at 84 Avenue Foch and in Sachsenhausen and Mauthausen concentration camps.

Topf and Sons

After 1939, and the demonstration or "proof of concept" that the firm could design an incinerator which would handle large numbers of corpses, Nazi officials further contracted Topf and Sons to provide similar incineration furnaces for the Belzec, Dachau, Mauthausen, Gusen Concentration Camps, and larger industrial incinerators especcialy designed for Auschwitz Concentration Camp.

see also