The story is told to an abridged Boléro, the first movement of Beethoven’s Fifth and Copland’s Fanfare for the Common Man as well as Maxi’s Song, composed by author Hallfríður, and the Icelandic all-time favourite “Á Sprengisandi” by Sigvaldi Kaldalóns.
Circus Maximus | Valerius Maximus | Pontifex Maximus | Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus | Quintus Fabius Maximus | Magnus Maximus | Pecten maximus | Flattus Maximus | Caecina Decius Maximus Basilius | Turdus Musicus | Steroid Maximus | Spurius Carvilius Maximus | Quintus Fabius Maximus (consul 45 BC) | Optimus Maximus keyboard | National Lampoon's 301: The Legend of Awesomest Maximus | Maximus of Moesia | Maximus of Jerusalem | Maximus | Limax maximus | Gluteus maximus muscle | Gellius Maximus | Fabius Maximus | Decumanus Maximus | decumanus maximus | Clianthus maximus | Circus Maximus (Norwegian band) | Arch of Titus (Circus Maximus) |