Gary has been a member of numerous community organizations, including the Illinois Valley Red Cross (board member for six years), Illinois Valley Area Chamber of Commerce (two-time president), Meals on Wheels volunteer, Habitat for Humanity Foundation Board, the Illinois Valley Animal Rescue, the Peru Rotary and the Junior Achievement Board.
As Assistant Secretary for Aging, Greenlee oversees a budget of $1.9 billion, $819 million of which funds senior nutrition programs like Meals on Wheels.
There are dozens of independent meals on wheels in Montreal, one of the largest and most innovative is the unique intergenerational Santropol Roulant, an organisation operated mainly by young volunteers in central Montreal neighbourhoods.
The parish community participates in several ministries, such as prison outreach, to the inmates of Indian Creek Correctional Center and St. Bride's Correctional Center; fundraising and coordination for the local chapter of Habitat for Humanity, and also delivering meals to the needy through the Meals on Wheels program.
She traveled to towns and cites across Minnesota, talking with community leaders and volunteers about helping people through activities like Meals on Wheels, emergency shelters, and other local and regional efforts.
As part of his sentence, Homer delivers Meals on Wheels to an old woman called Mrs. Bellamy, who subtly guilts him, and later Marge, into becoming her personal servant.
Homer begins delivering Meals on Wheels to an elderly woman, Mrs. Bellamy, who takes a shine to him.
He is on the board of the Permian Playhouse, the Odessa Cultural Council, and Meals on Wheels.
Meals on Wheels | Hot Wheels | Wheels of Fire | Cosmic Wheels | Steel Wheels | India on Four Wheels | Wheels on Meals | Wheels from '''Engine Tender #013 which was destroyed in a wreck in 1907 on a bridge over Village Creek State Park (Texas) | Werewolves on Wheels | Cosmic Wheels (album) | Wheels of Steel | ''Wheels'' magazine | Wagon Wheels | Training Wheels | Training wheels | The Detroit Wheels | Palace on Wheels | KRLA King of the Wheels | Helen Wheels | Futurist meals | Easy Wheels | Car Wheels on a Gravel Road | 8 Wheels & Some Soul Brotha' Music | 30 Minute Meals | 19 Wheels |
She has volunteered with the Girl Scouts, Meals on Wheels, the Eau Claire Municipal Band, and served on the Regional Steering Committee for Health Literacy Wisconsin.