
unusual facts about Melanie Phillips

Melanie Phillips

Melanie Phillips supported Dr Andrew Wakefield, the medical researcher who questioned the safety of the MMR vaccine given to children to immunise them against Measles, Mumps, and Rubella.


Litterick found that some of Logan's work was taken (in most cases with permission) from Anglo-American sources, including The Heritage Foundation, the Conservative Christian Fellowship, the Institute for American Values, Digby Anderson of the Social Affairs Unit and writers Maggie Gallagher and Melanie Phillips.

Hemel Hempstead Evening Post-Echo

They included Melanie Phillips (Daily Mail), Stephen Pile (Sunday Telegraph), David Francis (Mail on Sunday), Cliff Barr (The Sun, Daily Express), Lee Harrison and John Cathcart (National Enquirer), Anthony Holden (Sunday Times and The Observer), Maurice Chittenden (Sunday Times), Jean Ritchie (The Sun), Mark Milner (The Guardian), and David Felton (The Independent).

Maxim Institute

Litterick found that some of Logan's work was taken (in most cases with permission) from Anglo-American sources, which include the Heritage Foundation, Institute for American Values and National Fatherhood Institute, Maggie Gallagher (a US social conservative journalist), Melanie Phillips (UK), Conservative Christian Fellowship (UK) and Digby Anderson, Social Affairs Unit (UK).

see also