Recent philosophers who defended moral rationalism include R. M. Hare, Christine Korsgaard, Alan Gewirth, and Michael Smith (1994).
His meta-ethical theories were influential during the second half of the twentieth century.
ethics | Meta | Ethics | Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington | Meta River | meta-leadership | Jewish ethics | Office of Congressional Ethics | Nicomachean Ethics | Meta Content Framework | Living Ethics | Journal of Medical Ethics | Ethics (book) | Un uomo a metà | The Journal of Ethics | Sexual Ethics | Orličan L-40 Meta Sokol | Meta Vaux Warrick Fuller | Meta Sudans | Meta river | Meta-ethics | Meta-Chlorophenylpiperazine | ''meta''-Chlorophenylpiperazine | meta- | Medical Ethics | Medical ethics | medical ethics | Ethics (journal) | Ethics in religion | Ethics in America |
L'organico dei tre gironi del Nord fu costituito dalla metà esatta dei partecipanti alla precedente edizione della Seconda Divisione, dalle sette perdenti gli spareggi per la salvezza di Prima Divisione, e dall'Anconitana prelevata dal raggruppamenti meridionali.
Mr Justice Agha Rafiq Ahmed Khan participated in Training Course on Judicial Ethics organised by Royal Institute of Public Administration (RIPA), London in June 2009 Also, he visited Morocco in 2010 after an official invitation and met the Chief Justice of Morocco and Minister of Law & Justice .
The University of Waterloo in 1994 ceased carrying,,, and upon the recommendation of its ethics committee, which had expressed concerns that the content of those newsgroups may have violated the Criminal Code of Canada.
Synopsys then paid an additional $26.1 million to Silvaco to settle two of three Silvaco's suits against Meta Software, earlier purchased by Avanti, and its president.
These members formed ERPAC, which disintegrated in 2009, after which two factions arose; Bloque Meta and Libertadores del Vichada.
National Socialism was put on the ash heap and National Bolshevism, Strasserism, meta politics, people's nationalism, language purism, European unity and conservative criticism of society became the fundaments of the band.
He was a member of the American Philosophical Association, the American Association of University Professors (chair of committee on professional ethics), the Institut International de Philosophie Politique, the Authors Guild, the Century Association, and the Phi Beta Kappa society.
The Oxford Companion to American Literature notes that Norris' novels dealt with "such problems as modern education, women in business, hereditary and environmental influences, big business, ethics and birth control." He also published three plays: The Rout of the Philistines (with Nino Marcelli, 1922), A Gest of Robin Hood (with Robert C. Newell, 1929), and Ivanhoe: A Grove Play 1936.
On July 29, The former chief of staff to Governor Bob Taft, Columbus lobbyist Brian Hicks, and his assistant, Cherie Carroll, were convicted of ethics violations in the widening Coingate scandal.
EF originally mixed innovative publicity, such as rolling a plastic "crack" down Glen Canyon Dam, with far-reaching wilderness proposals that went far beyond what the mainstream environmental groups were willing to advocate, and with conservation biology research from a biocentric perspective.
Psychology, sociology, politics, medicine and neurobiology are areas which have helped and been helped in progress in ethics.
One approach to solving the cusp-core problem in galactic halos is to consider models that modify the nature of dark matter; theorists have considered warm, fuzzy, self-interacting, and meta-cold dark matter, among other possibilities.
His work has been published in such journals as Ethics, Journal of Applied Philosophy, Social Theory and Practice, American Philosophical Quarterly, QJM: An International Journal of Medicine, Journal of Law and Religion and the British Medical Journal.
DK (Deborah Katherine) Holland (born March 26, 1947, Metuchen, New Jersey) is an American graphic designer, writer and educator who, besides working on independent projects, spends much of her career writing, teaching about graphic design, Design thinking and ethics.
Douglas Kinsella, CM (15 February 1932 – 15 June 2004) was a Canadian medical doctor and expert on medical ethics and founder of Canada's National Council on Ethics in Human Research.
The concept is incorporated in three provisions of Meir Tamari's proposed "Halakhic Corporate Code of Ethics" -- insider trading (even where permitted by secular law), product information and advertising, and fraudulent financial accounting reports.
The Rev’d Andrew Linzey, Bergh Professor of Animal Ethics; also a Faculty of Theology member at the University of Oxford and director, Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics.
The Ugandan Minister of Ethics, Dr. James Nsaba Buturo, has criticized Hornsleth as being mentally deranged, demeaning, racist, obscene, a cult leader, and a homosexual, and has stated that official diplomatic measures will be taken.
He was the principal investigator of a seven-year grant from The Pew Charitable Trusts to the Campaign Management Institute to study campaign conduct and a four-year study of lobbying and ethics from the Committee for Economic Development.
He also became co-chairman of the House Ethics Committee in the 2011–12 session and was the only House Democrat given a committee chairmanship by Speaker Thom Tillis.
He was vice chair of the Wildlife Subcommittee and a member of the Commerce Committee, the Conservation and Environment Committee, the Ethics Committee, the Environment Subcommittee, and the Industrial Impact Subcommittee.
In both 2013 and 2012, the Ethisphere Institute named Thomas to its listing of “Attorneys Who Matter,” which recognizes leading practitioners in the world of corporate ethics and compliance.
The Kermeta language borrows concepts from languages such MOF, OCL and QVT, but also from BasicMTL, a model transformation language implemented in 2004 in the Triskell team by D. Vojtisek and F. Fondement.
Ronald F. Duska, holder of the Charles Lamont Post Chair of Ethics and the Professions at The American College, extends Ladd's objection, saying that it is a perversion of ethics and virtue for one's self-will to be identified with anything, as Royce would have it.
Similarly, it has been implied that Interim Iraqi Prime Minister Dr. Ayad Allawi violated his obligation to medical ethics whilst serving as Western European chief of secret police for the Baathist government of Saddam Hussein.
The study was joined by several other anthropologists, including Margaret Mead and Gregory Bateson.
The name of the genus Metalasia is derived from 'meta' which can have many meanings, but in this case is intended as 'reverse', and 'lasios' meaning 'woolly', an allusion to the woolly reverse sides of the leaves; 'muricata' means warty with short, sharp points like the shell of the Murex.
At Elizabethtown College he teaches courses on Christian social ethics, the Civil Rights Movement, and peace and conflict studies, and works with many notable colleagues including: Donald Kraybill and Jeffery D. Long, among others.
He was lawyer for Fernand St. Germain, Democratic U.S. Representative from Rhode Island, during an ethics investigation; St. Germain was cleared of all charges in 1987.
He describes how meta-analysis was first developed by Gene Glass as a way to summarize evidence for psychotherapy.
Thanks to an organization created years earlier by the indigenous leader Manuel Quintín Lame (1880–1967), the group had the support of many indigenous communities in the region of the Valle del Cauca, Huila, Tolima, and parts of the departments of Meta and Caquetá Department.
Dr. Sigrid Fry-Revere has conducted ethnographic research in Iran, studying the medical ethics of compensating organ donors.
Parmjit Singh "Peter" Sandhu is a Canadian politician and current Member of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta representing the constituency of Edmonton-Manning and is currently sitting as an Independent MLA after withdrawing from the Progressive Conservative Caucus due to an ongoing investigation by Alberta's ethics commissioner over business dealings.
The study's lead author was psychologist Bruce Rind, and it expanded on a 1997 meta-analysis for which Rind was also lead author.
Edward Gibbon noted that the Roman dictatorship was all the more difficult to baer due to the prior understanding and experience of political freedom - even under such late figures as Commodus, they were so famous for instance, a typical Roman magistrate or professional would be fully educated in all of the civics, ethics and morality that he saw violated all day every day around him, knowing himself to be in grave risk of his life if he raised this as an issue in public.
Former speakers at the Sondock Lecture on Legal Ethics at the University of Houston Law Center include U.S. Senator Orrin Hatch and Helen Thomas.
He was the subject of the 2009 song by the punk rock band Propagandhi, "Human(e) Meat (The Flensing of Sandor Katz)," a satirical vegan response to Katz's 2006 chapter on "Vegetarian Ethics and Humane Meat" in The Revolution Will Not Be Microwaved.
Shelly Kagan is the Clark Professor of Philosophy at Yale University and the former Henry R. Luce Professor of Social Thought and Ethics.
He holds a chair in bioethics at the Centre for Social Ethics and Policy, part of the School of Law at the University of Manchester in Great Britain and the University of Oslo.
To earn a Bachelor of Commerce degree students must demonstrate proficient knowledge in the following base level courses: Marketing, Human Resources, Information Systems, Statistics, Finance, Economics, Ethics, Strategic Management, Organizational Theory, Organizational Behaviour, and Financial and Managerial Accounting.
In 1994, he was lecturer on Micro study on International Relief Organizations at the Graduate School of Toyo Eiwa University, in Tokyo, Japan, and he is a lecturer, panelist, commentator, and speaker at various academic and other forums on topics including humanitarian aid, IHL, disasters, development, and bio-ethics.
The Big Questions, a panel discussion TV series on faith and ethics broadcast on the UK's BBC One starting in September 2007.
When the Religion and Ethics department of the BBC moved to Manchester, its new base became Emmanuel Church, Didsbury.
For the Declaration of Helsinki dealing with human research ethics, see Declaration of Helsinki.
Karl E. Weick maintains that research in the field of social psychology can – at any one time – achieve only two of the three meta-theoretical virtues of "Generality", "Accuracy" and "Simplicity."
1577 – Bartolomé de Medina defends probabilism, the view that in ethics one may follow a probable opinion even if the opposite is more probable
The court became embroiled in a lengthy ethics scandal in 2006 when it was revealed that retiring Chief Justice Sullivan postponed the publication of a controversial decision opposing Freedom of Information Act requests for documents that track the status and history of legal cases in the Connecticut legal system until hearings for his nominated successor Justice Peter T. Zarella were completed.
The American integral philosopher Ken Wilber uses the term worldcentric to describe an advanced stage of ethical development.
The Yaruro language (also spelled Llaruro or Yaruru; also called Yuapín or Pumé) is an indigenous language spoken by Yaruro people, along the Orinoco, Sinaruco, Meta, and Apure rivers of Venezuela.