
unusual facts about Mexican cumbia

Mexican cumbia

In the 70s Aniceto Molina also emigrated to Mexico, where he joined the group from Guerrero, La Luz Roja de San Marcos, and recorded many popular tropical cumbias like El Gallo Mojado, El Peluquero, and La Mariscada.

see also

Cumbia music by country

Summer of Cumbia, Los Lobos, Locos Por Juana, Ozomatli, Los Gran Reyes De La Musica, Grupo Fantasma, Super Reyes, Nando y Solja Kingz, La Internacional Sonora Show, Chicha Libre, Kumbia Kings, Selena y Los Dinos, Los Reyes Del Sabor, Sabor Kolombia, Candelaria cumbia dub, Barrio Kings are famous musicians based in the United States that have performed and/or specialize in Mexican cumbia.