
unusual facts about Michael Collins

A Star Called Henry

Henry, as a member of the Irish Citizen Army, becomes personally acquainted with several historical characters, including Patrick Pearse, James Connolly and Michael Collins.

An Stad

Anecdotally, in the film Michael Collins, during a scene where Collins and Harry Boland are seen cycling away from a British raid on leaders of Dáil Éireann, An Stad is visible in the background.

Auxiliary Division

Auxiliaries figure prominently in historical films like Michael Collins, The Last September, and The Wind That Shakes the Barley.

Chuck Collins

He is the great-grandson of 19th-century meatpacking mogul Oscar Mayer and the grandson of the U.S. pianist and composer Edward Joseph Collins, as well as Michael Collins, liberator of Ireland.

Eamon Broy

Neil Jordan's film Michael Collins (1996) inaccurately depicts Broy (played by actor Stephen Rea) as having been discovered, tortured and killed by the British.

Elizabeth Burke-Plunkett

She befriended unionists such as Field Marshal Douglas Haig, Horace Plunkett, and Chief Secretary George Wyndham and also nationalist leaders such as Charles Stuart Parnell, Michael Collins and Éamon de Valera.

Emcee Lynx

According to interviews, his major political influences include Noam Chomsky, Ward Churchill, Emma Goldman, Peter Kropotkin, Mikhail Bakunin, Michael Collins, Lucy Parsons, and Mutualists like Pierre-Joseph Proudhon.

Frongoch internment camp

Until 1916 it housed German prisoners of war in an abandoned distillery and crude huts, but in the wake of the 1916 Easter Rising in Dublin, Ireland, the German prisoners were moved and it was used as a place of internment for approximately 1,800 Irish prisoners, among them such notables as Michael Collins and Arthur Griffith.


Kitty Kiernan (1892–1945) was born in Granard and later engaged to Irish revolutionary Michael Collins.

Hans Place

The delegates were Arthur Griffith, Robert Barton, and Michael Collins; Secretary to the delegation was Robert Erskine Childers who was also Robert Barton's cousin and father of the Fourth President of Ireland Erskine Hamilton Childers.

Harry Boland

In the 1996 biographical film Michael Collins, Harry Boland was portrayed by Irish-American actor Aidan Quinn.

Hollywood and Vine

Later Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins, the astronauts of the first lunar landing mission Apollo 11, were awarded television stars for coverage of the mission, and given the places of honor at the exact corners of Hollywood and Vine.

Jean Ven Robert Hal

It is a song entirely dedicated to the first "Moon Landing" in 1969, Apollo 11, where you can listen to the voices of the Astronauts Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins, processed electronically.

Patrick Galvin

He had grown up during the time of the Spanish Civil war under the shawl of his mother's Republican politics and later discovered a great affinity with the Andalusian poet, Federico García Lorca; these influences are evident in his epic poem about Michael Collins, 'The White Monument'.

Roger McCorley

The reason for this was that Michael Collins and Eoin O'Duffy had assured him that this was only a tactical move and indeed, Collins sent men, money and weapons to the IRA in the North throughout 1922.

see also

Dunmanway killings

Tim Pat Coogan, Michael Collins, Arrow Books (1991), ISBN 978-0-09-968580-7

LA CityBeat

Contributors included Perry Crowe, Mindy Farrabee, Michael Collins, Cole Coonce, Mick Farren, Richard Foss, Ron Garmon, Andrew Gumbel, Tom Hayden, Erik Himmelsbach, Greg Katz, Alfred Lee, Richard Meltzer, Anthony Miller, Chris Morris, Donna Perlmutter, Don Shirley, Kirk Silsbee, Joshua Sindell, Greg Stacy, Annette Stark, David L. Ulin and Don Waller.

Parnell Square

In 1922, subsequent to the Treaty and prior to the Civil War, the IRB again met here in a failed attempt at achieving consensus on the Treaty; among the attendees were Michael Collins, Harry Boland, Liam Lynch and Eoin O'Duffy – all of whom, with the exception of O'Duffy, were dead by the end of the Irish Civil War.