
4 unusual facts about Michel Maffesoli

Arianna Dagnino

Drawing on French sociologist Michel Maffesoli's conceptualization of postmodern forms of wandering, blurring of borders and fluidity of social belongings, in her essay I Nuovi Nomadi (New Nomads, 1996) she contributed to the definition of the concept of neonomadismo (neonomadism or global nomadism).

Brand tribalism

Michel Maffesoli (1996), Cova (1997), Veloutsou and Moutinho (2007), Cova and Cova (2001, 2002), Kozinets, Shankar et al. (2007),


Participants included Michel Maffesoli, Eric Landowski, Oscar Correas, and Roque Carrion-Wam, among others.


French sociologist Michel Maffesoli was perhaps the first to use the term neotribalism in a scholarly context.

European Amalfi Prize for Sociology and Social Sciences

The awardees are selected by a jury currently consisting of Margaret Archer, Allessandro Cavalli, Salvador Giner, Joachim Israel, Michel Maffesoli, Carlo Mongardini (chair), Birgitta Nedelmann, Helga Nowotny, and Piotr Sztompka.


tribe.net features many "tribes", loosely based on the theory of urban tribes propounded by Michel Maffesoli and Ethan Watters.

see also