
4 unusual facts about Michel Rocard

Christian Dornier

Prime minister Michel Rocard sent his condolences and all festivities planned for celebrating the Bastille Day on July 14 were cancelled in Baume-les-Dames and replaced with a solemn ceremony to commemorate the victims of the shooting.

Jacques Cheminade

In 1983, Cheminade published a statement on the danger of "new fascism" posed by an alleged plot against French president François Mitterrand by some of his socialist ministers, including Jacques Delors and Michel Rocard.

Robert Chapuis

In 1988 and 1991 during the government of Prime Minister Michel Rocard, he served as Secretary of State in the Ministry of Education, he was responsible for of technological education.

Serge Fuster

Upon his death, he was given many tributes, including ones by President François Mitterrand, Prime Minister Michel Rocard, and Justice Pierre Arpaillange.

Federico Mayor Zaragoza

In 2007, Federico Mayor Zaragoza co-founded with Boutros Boutros Ghali, Michel Rocard, John Brademas, Robert Mundell, Edward J. Nell, Karim Errouaki, Mohamed Hassad, and Tomas Solis the Tangier Expo 2012 International Support Committee.

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