
unusual facts about Milhamoth ha-Shem

Milhamoth ha-Shem

The Milhamoth ha-Shem of Jacob ben Reuben, is a 12th-century Jewish apologia against conversion by Christians, consisting of questions and answers from selected texts of Gospel of Matthew, including Matt.


Shem | Samuel Shem |

Abraham Saba

According to Azulai ("Chida", Shem ha-Gedolim), who read the anecdote in a work entitled Dibre Yosef, Abraham in journeying from Fez to Verona became sick on the ship in mid-ocean during a great storm.

Baal Shem

The 1814-15 Praises of the Besht sets the Baal Shem Tov's teaching circle against his remaining occupation as travelling Baal Shem.

Baal Shem of London

The Baal Shem of London was received very equivocally by the Jews themselves, however, although he seems to have been friendly with Chief Rabbi David Tevele Schiff, whom Falk referred to as the "rabbi of London and the entire country".

Hillel Noah Maggid

Among these may be noted his biography of David Oppenheim, rabbi of Prague (in "Gan Peraḥim," 1882), and his notes on the history of the Jewish community of Lemberg (in "Anshe Shem," 1895).

Ibn Shaprut

Shem-Tob ben Isaac Shaprut of Tudela (שם טוב אבן שפרוט) (born at Tudela in the middle of the 14th century) was a Spanish Jewish philosopher, physician, and polemicist.

Janko Polić Kamov

Headstrong and temperamental, he called himself Kamov, after Ham (or Kam) from the Old Testament, who saw his father Noah naked but unlike his siblings Shem and Japhet did not cover his nakedness, thus issuing a curse.

Peter in Islam

Shia Muslims maintain that every major prophet had a disciple who became the Imam, or leader, after his death: Adam had Seth; Noah had Shem; Abraham had his sons; Moses had Joshua; and Jesus had Peter.


Various sources suggest Shaddad was the son of Ad/Aad (عاد), the son of Utz/Uz/Aus (أوس), the son of Aram (أرام), the son of Shem (سام), the son of Noah (نوح).

Shem Ochuodho

Shem Ochuodho is a Kenyan running for Deputy President in the March 2013 Kenyan Presidential election on a Safina party ticket.

Shem Tov ben Abraham ibn Gaon

De Rossi (Parma MS. No. 68, 8) declares the author's name to be doubtful, since the manuscript is anonymous; but Assemani (Catalogue of Hebrew MSS. in the Vatican Library, No. 235) concludes that its author was Shem-Ṭob of Soria.

Shem-Tob ben Isaac of Tortosa

Shem-Ṭob ben Isaac of Tortosa (born at Tortosa 1196) was a Provençal rabbi and physician.


It is said in Menahem Azariah da Fano's Gilgule Neshamot that Gamaliel's soul emanated from that of Shem, while Tavi's soul emanated from that of Ham, who was, according to the Bible, destined to be a slave to his brother.


His works were sponsored by The Werner family from Vrbové and published by Shem Olam in Bnei Brak.

Wives aboard Noah's Ark

In Madeleine L'Engle's novel Many Waters (1986), the wife of Shem is said to be Elisheba, that of Ham to be Anah, sister of Tiglah, and that of Japheth Oholibamah.

Yisroel Meir Gabbai

In Medzhybizh, Ukraine, burial place of the Baal Shem Tov, Gabbai was instrumental in refurbishing the Baal Shem Tov's grave and ohel, which also covers the graves of the Degel Machaneh Ephraim, the Apter Rav, and Rabbi Boruch of Medzhybizh.

see also