
3 unusual facts about Ibn Shaprut

Ibn Shaprut

Shem-Tob ben Isaac Shaprut of Tudela (שם טוב אבן שפרוט) (born at Tudela in the middle of the 14th century) was a Spanish Jewish philosopher, physician, and polemicist.

He settled at Tarazona, in Aragon, where he practised his profession of physician among both Jews and Christians.

At Tarazona he completed his Eben Boḥan (May, 1380 or 1385), a polemical work against baptized Jews.

see also

Menahem ben Saruq

Menahem was a native of Tortosa, and went, apparently at an early age, to Cordoba, where he found a patron in Isaac ben Ezra ibn Shaprut, the father of the subsequent statesman Hasdai ibn Shaprut.