
unusual facts about Millennium Development

Florence Wambugu

Previously, she served on several board of directors including the Private Sector Committee of the CGIAR, the United Nations Millennium Development goals Hunger task force; she also was a member of the Executive Committee of Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA); the DuPont Company Biotech Advisory Panel, USA; the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI, now called Bioversity International), and the African Biotechnology Stakeholders Forum (ABSF).

see also

Ivy Council

Past speakers have included Steve Forbes, Chairman and CEO of Forbes magazine; Nasreen Berwari, Iraqi Minister of Municipalities and General Works; Jeffrey Sachs, special adviser to the UN’s Millennium Development; Theodore Roosevelt IV, Managing Director at Lehman Brothers and prominent environmentalist; and Dov Zakheim, US Undersecretary of Defense.

Millennium Development Goals

Attempts to increase U.S. political attention to the Millennium Development Goals include The Borgen Project which worked with then Senator Barack Obama on the Global Poverty Act, a bill requiring the White House to develop a strategy for achieving the goals.


United Nations Millennium Campaign, a UNDP campaign unit working on issues related Millennium Development Goals