
unusual facts about Mind's eye

Mind's eye

Furthermore, the pineal gland is a hypothetical candidate for producing a mind's eye; Rick Strassman and others have postulated that during near death experiences (NDE's) and dreaming, the gland might secrete a hallucinogenic chemical 'N,N-Dimethyltryptamine' (DMT) to produce internal visuals when external sensory data is occluded.


The same words were used by Sigmund Freud as the dedicatory motto for his seminal book The Interpretation of Dreams, figuring Acheron as psychological underworld beneath the conscious mind.


This was not on the official programme at all, but I hoped that I could persuade Captain Caspar John of the Pretoria Castle to turn a blind eye to what I had in mind.

Allen's Landing

In the late 1960s, Allen's Landing was home to the city's premiere psychedelic nightclub, Love Street Light Circus Feel Good Machine ("Love Street"), where bands with names like Bubble Puppy, Neurotic Sheep and American Blues performed mind-expanding music accented with strobe lights and pastel projections.


# Manas (mind) – controls sankalpa (will or resolution)

Assyrians in Georgia

The Assyrians and Yezidi were prepared to move against the Ottomans, whenever the support from Erekle II arrived, but Russian General Totleben changed his mind and turned his detachment back to Kartli.

Barbara Ikai

She read Noam Chomsky's Noam Chomsky on The Generative Enterprise, A discussion with Riny Hyybregts and Henk van Riemsdijk., Vilayanur S. Ramachandran's Phantoms in the Brain : Probing the Mysteries of the Human Mind, and Andrew B. Newberg's Why God Won’t Go Away: Brain Science and the Biology of Belief.

Barbara Tucker

2000: "Stop Playing With My Mind" (Barbara Tucker featuring Darryl D'Bonneau) - #1 US Hot Dance Club Songs; #25 US Hot Dance Singles Sales; #17 UK

Benalmádena Stupa

Benalmádena Stupa (Chan Chub Chorten in Tibetan) symbolizes Buddha's enlightenment, the realisation of the nature of mind, and is one of the eight different forms that stupas are built according to.

Bernard Judd

“Bernard Judd was a Christian man of quite remarkable stickability in those causes and convictions to which he had committed himself. His convictions were strong, but he was no bigot. He was independent in mind and judgement.” — Bishop Donald Robinson.

Brave Saint Saturn

With this in mind, the band used NASA recordings and electronic samples on their first two albums.


Kenelm Henry Digby wrote his The Broad-Stone of Honour for this purpose, offering the definition: 'Chivalry is only a name for that general spirit or state of mind which disposes men to heroic actions, and keeps them conversant with all that is beautiful and sublime in the intellectual and moral world.'

Citizens Electoral Council

Veitch has stated: "The mind control operations commenced by Lyndon LaRouche in the USA in the mid-1970s are still being practised today within his movement in Australia".

Cultural schema theory

The idea of schemas existing as ideal types in the mind dates back all the way back to Plato (see also Schema and Schema (psychology)) .

Emiliano Mercado del Toro

Civic leaders and veterans commended Mercado on his endurance and lucid mind, but the "gift" he would enjoy the most was the visit of Puerto Rican vedette and media icon Iris Chacón.

Fireside Theater

This role was first filled by Frank Wisbar (1952–1953), then by Gene Raymond (1953–1955), and finally by the person most associated with the series in the public mind, Jane Wyman (1955–1958).


Jerry Fodor (born 1935), American author and philosopher concerned with philosophy of mind and cognitive science, husband of the above

Four Candles

The sketch opens with a throwaway joke as the hardware shopkeeper (Corbett) hands a lady a roll of toilet paper, saying "mind how you go".

Francis Pereira

Gripped by God in Christ. The Mind and Heart of St. Paul (St. Paul Publications, Bandra, Mumbai, 1990; 5th print in 2011); ISBN 978-8171091171.

Frank John William Goldsmith

Frank and his mother were rescued by the Carpathia in Collapsible C. As the Carpathia headed to New York City, Emily Goldsmith entrusted her son into the care of one of the surviving firemen from the Titanic, Samuel Collins, asking Collins if he would look after her son to get his mind off of the sinking.

Freud, Biologist of the Mind

Freud, Biologist of the Mind: Beyond the Psychoanalytic Legend is a 1979 work about Sigmund Freud by Frank Sulloway.

Gay Divorce

To take his mind off his lost love, his friend Teddy Egbert, a British attorney, takes him to Brighton Beach, where Egbert has arranged for a "paid co-respondent" to assist his client in obtaining a divorce from her boring, aging, geologist husband Robert.

Greatest Hurts

In addition to Arden's best-known hits, the album also includes two new songs ("Thing For You" and "Never Mind"), two songs that Arden recorded for compilation albums ("You Don't Know Me", from the soundtrack to My Best Friend's Wedding, and "If It Be Your Will", from the Leonard Cohen tribute Tower of Song), an alternate version of "Sleepless" and a live version of Arden's most famous song, "Insensitive".

Hannes Lindemann

He was motivated to make the trips by an interest in how the human body and mind respond to survival at sea, a theme which the Kon-Tiki (1947) and Alain Bombard (1952) explored in earlier ocean voyages.

Hermotimus of Clazomenae

Hermotimus of Clazomenae (c. 6th century BCE), called by Lucian a Pythagorean, was a philosopher who first proposed, before Anaxagoras (according to Aristotle) the idea of mind being fundamental in the cause of change.

Hugh Prather

His work underscored the importance of gentleness, forgiveness, and loyalty; declined to endorse dramatic claims about the power of the individual mind to effect unilateral transformations of external material circumstances; and stressed the need for the mind to let go of destructive cognitions in a manner not unlike that encouraged by the cognitive-behavioral therapy of Aaron T. Beck and the rational emotive behavior therapy commended by Albert Ellis.

Johann Simon Hermstedt

All four of Louis Spohr's clarinet concertos and several of his other clarinet works, as well as Carl Maria von Weber's Grand duo concertant, were written with Hermstedt's skills in mind and were dedicated to him.

King of Wishful Thinking

Olga Tañón recorded a Spanish version of the song on her album Te Acordarás de Mí; this version was titled "Voy a Sacarte de Mi Mente" ("I Am Going to Get You Out of My Mind").

Leee John

He released a number of dance singles in the late 1990s and early 2000s, including the UK Garage tracks "Your Mind, Your Body, Your Soul" and "U Turn Me" with Ten City vocalist Byron Stingily (2000).

Mama Makes Up Her Mind: And Other Dangers of Southern Living

Mama Makes Up Her Mind: And Other Dangers of Southern Living is a 1994 autobiography by Bailey White.

Mega Man X7

The ending theme is "Lazy Mind", performed by Showtaro Morikubo, the voice actor for the protagonist Mega Man X in the Japanese games.

Norman Harris

He also produced several acts, including Loleatta Holloway, Eddie Holman, the Salsoul Orchestra, Double Exposure and Love Committee, for Salsoul Records, who distributed his subsidiary label, Gold Mind Records.

Phil Husbands

Husbands has edited several books, including coediting The Mechanical Mind in History (MIT Press; 2008; ISBN 978-0-262-25638-4) as well as author of numerous scientific articles.

Predictably Irrational

In other words, decisions about future LCD television purchases become coherent after an initial price has been established in the consumer's mind.


Sage had Süin most highly follow the works of Goblin and Tangerine Dream for inspiration, while pushing Süin to take maximum freedom and musical liberties within the genre to craft the ultimate "mind blowing" score for the ultimate "mind blowing" film.

R. H. Tawney

Adrian Hastings wrote: “Behind the list of major publications was the mind of a man tirelessly guiding government, Labour movement, Church and academic community towards a new society, at once fully democratic, consciously socialistic and fully in accord with Christian belief. In effective intellectual terms it is doubtful whether anyone else had remotely comparable influence in the evolution of British society in his generation”.

Red Clay Ramblers

The Red Clay Ramblers continued to perform steadily, including an Off-Broadway production of Sam Shepard's Lie of the Mind in 1985-86.

Rhodesian Armoured Corps

These were introduced by Darryl Winkler in an effort to engender an esprit de corps within his squadron – and echoed the all black look of the British Royal Tank Regiment (although the appearance of Frank Sinatra in the 1965 film Von Ryan's Express readily springs to mind).

Richard Kugler

isbn=0788180894 - Mind the Gap: Promoting a Transatlantic Revolution in Military Affairs - Google Books Result

Robert Savage

Confidence was so high even a press release was being written up in anticipation of an announcement until then Chairman Jim Robinson inexplicably changed his mind.

Roger Bowling

His best known songs included "Lucille" (co-written with Hal Bynum), and "Coward of the County" (co-written with Billy Ed Wheeler), both recorded by Kenny Rogers, and "Blanket on the Ground", "What I've Got In Mind", and "57 Chevrolet", recorded by Billie Jo Spears.

Sexual assault

In 2011, the Supreme Court of Canada in R. v. J.A. interpreted the provisions below to find that a person must have an active mind during the sexual activity in order to consent, and that they cannot give consent in advance.


The decision to use renewable energy was made with 'Agenda 21' of the 1992 Rio Earth Summit in mind, which has sustainable development at its heart.

South Beach Tow

According to cast member Christie Ashenoff, the idea for the program came after Tremont towed the car of Simon Fields: "He tells us that a few days later a light bulb went off in his head that if he lost his mind, that everyone else must too".

SportAccord World Mind Games

The World Mind Games were initiated by SportAccord, the umbrella organisation for international sports federations and organisers of sports events, in order to bring these sports closer to a worldwide public.

Star Over Bethlehem

Having a mind of its own, it leaves whatever master it has and manages to wander through Judea.

Tenchi in Tokyo

To their confusion for the suddenness of this, Tenchi makes a shocking revelation: after careful thought, he has made up his mind to move to Tokyo for two years on behalf of his grandfather, Katsuhito, to train as a kannushi, so that he may better care for the family Shinto shrine.

The One with Rachel's Date

Having initially declined an offer to join Ross at Central Perk for a coffee, Rachel changes her mind, but then notices he is getting acquainted with Mona (Bonnie Somerville), whom he met at Monica and Chandler's wedding, and leaves, unseen.

William Price Fox

John Updike (--on Fox's Doctor Golf): "Golf in the Kingdom" put me in mind of another curious devotional work, William Price Fox's "Doctor Golf."Doctor Golf, a fanatic even quainter and keener than Shivas Irons, runs a thirty-nine-member golf sanctuary in Arkansas called Eagle-Ho, refers to "young Hagen," advocates caddy flogging, sells by mail order a clanking, cumbersome line of golf paraphernalia, and conducts a large correspondence.

Young's Bluecrest

The acquisition of the UK-based Findus operations from EQT Partners in January 2006 boosted Young's total sales to an estimated £1 billion ($1.7 billion), confirming the company's position as the leader in the UK frozen fish sector, having surpassed rivals Bird's Eye, owned by Permira.

see also

James and Oliver Phelps

In 2012, they starred in "A Mind's Eye," a short documentary film based on the philosophical ideas of Plato.

Miroslaw Rogala

For much of the first decade of the twenty-first century, Rogala has been involved with several series of artworks for which he has manipulated photographs using Mind's-Eye-View computer software developed by Ford Oxaal.

Nicolas-Joseph Thiéry de Menonville

Thiéry de Menonville, with the image of Jason and the Golden Fleece constantly in his mind's eye, slipped over the ramparts of Veracruz one evening and set out, in the guise of a Catalan in order to account for his Frenchified Spanish and his dress, for Oaxaca where the best cochineal was produced.

Tate Etc.

Articles: Inner Visions by Söntgen; Out of the Blue by Wozencroft; Excremental Value by Miller; Dalí: Lights, Camera, ...Metamorphosis by Christie; Dalí by Jones, Montes Baquer, Disney, Mekas; A Study in Denim by Daniels; The Master Chameleon by Horn; Warhol by Williams; Hélio Oiticica by Katz, Veloso, Neto, Marepe, Yass; In the Mind’s Eye by Sacks; Dancing the White Darkness by Warner; We Are Here by Campany, Parr, Pavord etc..