
unusual facts about Minted


Minted was founded in April 2007 by Mariam Naficy to sell high-end lines of stationery and quickly adopted a crowd-sourcing model as it realized that designs by independent artists were outselling those by established brands.

Aksumite currency

By the time coins were first minted in Aksum, there was widespread trade with Romans on the Red Sea; Kushana or Persian influence also cannot be ruled out.

Archaeological looting in Romania

On 21 May 2013 three Lysimachus coins minted on Tomis and Callatis were recovered from looters among other Roman and medieval coins.


Beasant or Besant is an English language surname derived from a coin called the byzantius which is named after the city of Byzantium where they were first minted.

Coins of the Austro-Hungarian gulden

Austro-Hungarian gulden coins were minted following the Ausgleich with different designs for the two parts of the empire.

Coins of the Austro-Hungarian krone

Austro-Hungarian krone coins were minted with different design (but the same technical parameters) in Austria and Hungary.

Commemorative coins of Monaco

The commemorative coins of Monaco are minted by the Monagasque Treasury since the re-valuation of the French franc in 1960 and before the introduction of the euro in 2002.

Double Eagle

The first Double Eagle was minted in 1849, coinciding with the California Gold Rush.

Fifty bani

A sixth fifty-bani was minted exclusively in 1921, with 30 million produced in Le Locle, Switzerland by the company Huguenin Frères (brothers) & Co.

Fijian gold pacific sovereign

The Fijian gold Pacific Sovereign is a 24-karat, bullion, one-ounce gold coin of .9999 purity minted by the New Zealand Mint (first released mid-2009) in commemoration of the islands of Fiji, a sovereign nation and member (albeit a suspended member as of 2006) of the Commonwealth of Nations.

History of Rakhine

During that period, its kings minted coins inscribed in Arakanese, Kufic and Bengali.

History of the Indonesian rupiah

Duits were minted in large numbers in Surabaya between 1814 and 1840 from silver imported from the Netherlands.

Hôtel des Monnaies/Munthof metro station

It is on the Rue de l'Hôtel des Monnaies/Munthofstraat, after which it is named, where Belgian currency used to be minted.

Illyrian coinage

Between 217 BC and 84 BC the city of Oria in Italy minted coins with the head of Lapagus, the ancient Iapygian hero.

The cities which minted these early mints were Valesio, Brindisi, Nardò, Oria, Ugento, Grax and Samadi.


Union Bank of Switzerland, through Argor-Heraeus SA (subsidiary of Commerzbank), has applied the kinegram as a security device to the reverse of its minted bars since December 1993.

Leigh, Surrey

The oldest of the coins dates from 31 BC and the youngest were minted in around 180 AD after the death of the emperor Marcus Aurelius.

Miron Cristea

In July 2010, the National Bank of Romania minted a commemorative coin bearing Cristea's image as a part of a collectors' series of five coins showing the Patriarchs of All Romania.

Morgan dollar

Beginning in the 1970s, the Treasury conducted a sale of silver dollars minted at the Carson City Mint through the General Services Administration.

Mufarrij ibn Daghfal ibn al-Jarrah

This period marked the apogee of the Bedouin power in Palestine: as the contemporary historian Yahya of Antioch writes, the entire interior of the land, "from al-Farama to Tiberias", was under their control, with only the coastal cities resisting the siege attempts, and coin were minted in Abu'l-Futuh's name.


In the Rampjaar ("disastrous year") of 1672, when both England and France declared war on the Dutch Republic and French troops occupied much of the country, silver and gold could no longer be safely transported to Dordrecht and Enkhuizen (where coins were normally minted), so the guard house of the Munttoren was temporarily used to mint coin.

National Mint of Bolivia

The coinage minted during its period became so well known in the world that a saying, memorialized by Miguel de Cervantes came into use: valer un potosí, "to be worth a potosí" (that is, "a fortune").

Olompali State Historic Park

An Elizabethan silver sixpence minted in 1567 was discovered in the park by archeologists, indicating that villagers may have had contact with Sir Francis Drake or with people who had traded with the early English explorer.

Peso fuerte

Peso fuerte refers to a number of currencies minted in the Spanish Empire or one of its successor states.

Polish złoty

In 1496 the Sejm approved the creation of a national currency, the złoty, and its value was set at 30 groszy, a coin minted since 1347 and modelled on the Prague groschen.

Pound sterling in Australia, New Zealand, and Oceania

The silver Spanish pieces of eight that had formed the staple international currency for nearly four hundred years were mostly minted at the new world mints at Potosi, Mexico, and Lima.

Saudi riyal

In 1995, transitional copper coins for ¼ and ½ Qirsh ( in some parts of the country it's pronounced as girsh) were minted in Mecca by `muhammad ayaan kadri.

Silver coin

The earliest coins of the western world were minted in the kingdom of Lydia in Asia Minor around 600 BC.


In Venice, the soldo was minted since the reign of Francesco Dandolo, remaining in use also after the republic's dissolution in 1797 and during the Austrian occupation, until 1862.

Solomon Islands dollar

The cent coins were all the same sizes, weights, and compositions as the corresponding Australian coins, with the 1 dollar an equilaterally curved heptagonal (seven sided) coin minted in cupro-nickel.


John D. Grainger however, identifies him as a Greek dynast; Frank L. Holt speculating that he was a mercenary captain who minted coins simply to meet the needs of his troops.

Spanish maravedí

By 1531 these coins were still being minted, by now in both Seville and Burgos, and subsequent shipments have been confirmed to other areas such as: Mexico, Panama and Puerto Rico.

Spanish ship San Pedro de Alcantara

The silver was in the form of minted coins, mostly "pieces of eight".


The two tribes that lived along the river Astibo, an estuary to the Axius, were the Derrones, named after their god of healing, Darron, and the Laeaeans, who minted their own heavy coins as a sign of their sovereignty following the example of the Greek city-states on Chalkidiki.

The Treasury of Croesus

Upon learning that a witch named Circe wanted the first coin minted by Croesus for the same reason Magica wants the Number One Dime, Scrooge finds a way to turn this tragedy in a triumph: he gives the coin to Magica.


There has been a lot more archaeological evidence found to attest to Roman occupation in the parish, including A dispersed hoard of 300 to 400 Roman coins, mostly of Postumus, but including examples minted by Gallienus and Hostilian which were found via metal detecting in the 1980s.

Wass de Czege

He spent considerable time in California, where together with another Hungarian exile he opened a gold-mine, obtained the authorization of the government and had dollars minted.

see also