
2 unusual facts about Spanish maravedí

Spanish maravedí

By 1531 these coins were still being minted, by now in both Seville and Burgos, and subsequent shipments have been confirmed to other areas such as: Mexico, Panama and Puerto Rico.

The first one is the most straightforward, the second is a variant plural formation found commonly in words ending with a stressed -í, whereas the third is the most unusual and the least recommended (Real Academia Española's Diccionario panhispánico de dudas labels it "vulgar in appearance").

Santa Cruz de Mudela

On January 30, 1538, Don Álvaro the Elder bought off from Carlos I the towns of Santa Cruz de Mudela and Viso del Puerto (Muradal), under his own terms and along with civil and criminal jurisdiction, for 26,208,626 maravedíes (for comparison, Ferdinand Magellan's epic voyage around the earth, financed by Carlos I in 1518, cost 8,751,125 maravedis).

see also