
4 unusual facts about Mohamed Harkat

Mohamed Harkat

Public statements indicated that Abu Zubaydah, who was waterboarded during harsh interrogations by the United States, described a man "similar to" Harkat running a guest house in Pakistan that shuttled mujahideen to Chechnya, although he did not use Harkat's name.

On March 22, 2005, Federal Court judge Eleanor Dawson ruled that the security certificate binding Harkat was reasonable.

Norman Nawrocki

Nawrocki’s spoken word tours continued throughout 2004 and 2005, firstly writing a show based on the life of Mohamed Harkat, an Algerian and one of Canada's Secret Trial Five and secondly adapting letters from The anarchist & the devil do cabaret to CD with musical accompaniment on Letters from Poland/Lettres de Pologne released in 2006.

Pacha Wazir

The Canadian Security Intelligence Service alleges that Mohamed Harkat was recorded on the phone with a "Haji Wazir" whom handled financial transactions for him, and described his bid to gain permanent resident status in Canada.

see also