
2 unusual facts about Mohamed Nasheed


The popular name of Mohamed Nasheed, the third president of the second republic of the Maldives

Foreign relations of the Maldives

On 7 March, the Maldivian President Mohamed Nasheed asked police to investigate the allegations of a US$2 million bribe given to Maldivian government officials to recognise Kosovo as an independent state.

2005 Maldives civil unrest

This unrest was provoked by the arrest of Mohamed Nasheed - an open critic of the president Maumoon Abdul Gayoom - and the subsequent demolition of the Dhunfini tent, used by the members of the Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) for their gatherings.

Maldivian Democratic Party

As no candidate received 50% of the vote, a second round was held on October 29 between President Gayoom and Mohamed Nasheed.

see also

David Hardingham

He was an outspoken critic of former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom’s human rights record during his thirty year presidency, a record he maintains is confirmed by the many examples of torture undergone by Mohamed Nasheed and many others he had met during the time many opposition activists stayed at Salisbury.

Friends of Maldives

A forged letter distributed around the Maldives purporting to be from Hardingham to Mohamed Nasheed, on a Salisbury Cathedral letterhead, described how Hardingham was planning to build a replica of Salisbury Cathedral in the Maldives.

Maldivian presidential election, 2013

President Mohamed Nasheed led the protests to Republic Square, announcing that he was forced to resign at gunpoint, and that the event was a coup d'etat orchestrated by Vice-President Mohammed Waheed Hassan, who was sworn in as the new president of Maldives on the same day in accordance with the law of the Maldives.