He led his soldiers from front and in January–February 1948 repulsed a fierce attack on Nowshera and Jhangar, two highly strategic locations in Jammu and Kashmir.
Mohammad Reza Pahlavi | Mohammad Khatami | Mohammad Baqir al-Fali | Mohammad Asif | Mohammad Najibullah | Mohammad Hashim Kamali | Mohammad Gul | Syed Mohammad Ahsan | Sher Mohammad Akhundzada | Mushtaq Mohammad | Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin | Mohammad Murad Beg | Mohammad Hatta | Mohammad Gharib | Mohammad Ashraful | Mohammad Abdul Ghafoor Hazarvi | Askia Mohammad I | Pir Syed Mohammad Yaqoob Shah | Nenadi Usman | Mohammad Zeki Mahjoub | Mohammad Sarwar | Mohammad-Reza Shajarian | Mohammad Rafique | Mohammad Mousavi Khoeiniha | Mohammad Mosaddegh | Mohammad Mokhtari | Mohammad Mahfud | Mohammad Kaif | Mohammad Hamid Ansari | Mohammad Azharuddin |
Mohammad Usman Rana (born 3 June 1985) is a Norwegian Pakistani commentator, columnist and medical doctor, achieving his degree at the University of Oslo.
Later he shifted back to Hyderabad, where he worked with Mohammad Usman Diplai at his printing press and later as an assistant in the Sindhi Adabi Board, where he along with Mohammad Ibrahim Joyo and Ghulam Rabbani Agro translated classical works from English to Sindhi.