
unusual facts about Moksha


Those who are on their path to moksha (samnyasin), suggests Klaus Klostermaier, are quintessentially free individuals, without craving for anything in the worldly life, thus are neither dominated by, nor dominating anyone else.


Moksha | moksha |

Eastern philosophy

What can be said to be common to many theistic Hindus is belief in Dharma, reincarnation, karma, and moksha (liberation) of every soul through a variety of moral, action-based, and meditative yogas.

Ganges in Hinduism

Personified as a goddess (Sanskrit गङ्गा Gaṅgā), it is worshiped by Hindus who believe that bathing in the river causes the remission of sins and facilitates liberation from the cycle of life and death.

Integral yoga

Most yogas, except such paths as Natya Yoga, only develop a single aspect of the being, and have as their aim a state of liberation or transcendence.

Jivdani Mata

Saying so the Mahar attained Moksha (The real Jeeva Dhana, the real wealth of Life)and the Devi was about to disappear in the cave, when a barren woman saw all this divine incident screamed “Devi Devi, Amba Amba, will you leave this barren daughter of yours without our jeevan dhan a child in my laps?”.

Keshava Namas

#Hari - One who takes away (all the illusions, attachments, desires, pains & material existence of his devotees and destroys their material bondage i.e. gives them Moksha)


Their second album, Kokopelli—released in August 2003 on Moksha recordings/Sony and named after a mythical Native American spirit—focused less on drum and bass beats and more on guitar riffs and darker-toned lyrics.

Mordovian National Costume

Erzya and Moksha folk costumes had reached their complete artistic expressiveness by the middle of the 19th century

Nishkam Karma

Nishkam Karma, or self-less or desireless action is an action performed without any expectation of fruits or results, and the central tenet of Karma Yoga path to Liberation, which has now found place not just in business management, management studies but also in promoting better Business ethics as well.

Puliyur Mahavishnu Temple

Sapta Rishis - Atthri, Vasishtar, Kaasyapar, Gouthamar, Bharadwajar, Vishvamitra and Jamadagni got the seva of this Maayapiraan along with porkodi Naachiyaar and through Indra, it is said that all these Saptarishis got their Mukti towards the Emperumaan.

The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant

For instance, samadhi/Satansfist is also called "Sheol", (Hebrew for the grave, the abode of the dead), moksha/Fleshharrower is also known as "Jehannum" (similar to the Hebrew "Gehinnom" and the Arabic "Jahannum", for Hell or Purgatory), and turiya/Kinslaughterer is also "Herem" (Hebrew for banned, excluded, excommunicated and Arabic for sinful or forbidden Haram).

There are only three Ravers, ancient brothers who each have many names but are commonly called turiya Herem, samādhi Sheol, and moksha Jehannum.

see also