
unusual facts about Mortar


Mortar methods, discretization methods for partial differential equations

3M6 Shmel

It was developed by the Special Mortar Design Bureau (SKB Gladkostvolnoi artillerii) in Kolomna who were also responsible for the AT-3 Sagger.

7th Toronto Regiment, RCA

There are three batteries within the regiment, 9 Bty – the howitzer or gun battery, 15 Bty – the mortar battery, and 130 Bty – the headquarters battery as well as training and recruiting.

Andrew Haldane

Eugene Sledge, a mortar-man in Company "K", describes what happened to his company's commander in his book, With the Old Breed: At Peleliu and Okinawa.

Armed Forces of Ukraine

Soon after arrival in Sarajevo on July 31, 1992, the battalion's artillery complex ended up in the middle of a mutual mortar fight between the Bosnian Serbs and Bosnian Muslims.

Barrack buster

Its first use on 19 March 1979 caused the first deliberate victim—a British soldier—from an IRA mortar attack in Newtownhamilton, South Armagh.

Battle of Piva Forks

Calling down 60 mm and 81 mm mortar fire in front of their positions, the American troops regained the initiative and moved forward.

Battle of Two Sisters

Heavily armed, with two machine-guns per section, plus 66 mm rocket launchers and 2-inch mortars, the Troop moved off stealthily into the moonlit night towards a ridge some four km away where Argentine movement had been observed.

Battle of Wagram

The Emperor thus ordered his heavy batteries on Lobau island, including 22 heavy 16-pounders, 14 mortars and 10 howitzers, to bombard the village.

BMP-1 variants

Apart from the mortar the vehicle is equipped with a 9M113 Konkurs (AT-5 Spandrel) ATGM, a 12.7 mm NSVT heavy machine gun, RPG-75 anti-tank grenade launchers, F1 hand grenades and Model 58 7.62 mm submachineguns.

Coates, West Sussex

It was here in 1940-41 that Lieutenant- colonel Stewart Blacker invented the Spigot Mortar or Blacker Bombard a cheap and easily produced piece of anti-tank ordnance required after the British Army's heavy equipment at been lost at Dunkirk.

Courtenay Boyle

Boyle observed that the Spanish vessels hauled into San Pedro, an anchorage to the eastward of Cape de Gata, under the protection of a fort and several schooners and mortar launches.

Cyrus Alger

The first gun ever rifled in America was made at his works in 1834, and the first perfect bronze cannon was made at his foundry for the U. S. ordnance department, The mortar “Columbiad,” the largest gun of cast iron that had then been made in the United States, was cast under his personal supervision.


Danevirke 6 — Hovedvolden and Thyraborg
Valdemar I fortified the rest of Hovedvolden with the famous "Valdemar-wall", a 7-m high wall of stones in mortar on a granite boulder base, propped up with buttresses and covered with tiles.

Daniel Gunther

The army originally stated that he had been hit by a mortar while exiting his M113, but Peter Worthington of the Toronto Sun later brought the accounts of soldiers into the public eye, stating that it was an anti-tank rocket that had killed Gunther, implying it had not been a simple misfortune, but a deliberately aimed warhead that killed the Corporal driving a marked UN Peacekeeping vehicle.


The XR311 has been designed to carry out a wide variety of roles including anti-tank, recce, convoy escort, command and control, medivac, military police, mortar carrier, internal security and forward air defense communications vehicle.

Fort Pearce

Machine gun and mortar pits were dug into the sand dunes around the fort and manned throughout the war by the 2nd Battalion Volunteer Defence Corps.

Forward Operating Base Salerno

Located in the southeastern province of Khost, Afghanistan, near the city of Khost, FOB Salerno was nicknamed "Rocket City" for the numerous rocket and mortar indirect fire attacks targeting the base over the ten years that US forces occupied to post.

Franklin Mountains State Park

Pictograms and mortar pits confirm a human presence in the mountains dating back more than 12,000 years.

Galashki ambush

At about 12 am, at a highway near the village of Galashki, a group of rebels located in the woods overlooking the road suddenly opened fire on them with grenade launchers and machine guns (some sources also mention mortar and sniper fire), disabling the first truck and then quickly obliterating the whole convoy.

George Boyd-Rochfort

On 3 August 1915 between Cambrin and La Bassée, France, a German trench-mortar bomb landed on the side of the parapet of the communication trench in which Second Lieutenant Boyd-Rochfort was standing close to a small working party of his battalion.


The Gilgil barracks is home to the 5th Kenya Rifles (Kenya Army Infantry) also known as "the fighting five", while the Kenyatta Barracks is home to Kenya's only airborne battalion, the 20 Para and also home to the 66 Artillery brigade, the 76 Armoured Recce Battalion and the 1st Mortar Battalion.

Helen Ashton

Also included amongst her fictional works were Bricks and Mortar (1932), republished in 2004 by Persephone Books, and Yeoman's Hospital (1944), on which the 1951 film White Corridors was based.

Highland charge

However, Coehorn mortar shelling and devastating enfilade musket fire from the deeply echeloned government forces killed those who had made a breakthrough, while the others, after suffering heavy casualties, fell back in a retreat that quickly became a rout.

John J. Tominac

After smashing the enemy outpost, he led 1 of his squads in the annihilation of a second hostile group defended by mortar, machinegun, automatic pistol, rifle and grenade fire, killing about 30 of the enemy.

José Couso

At that time, a company of the 3rd Infantry Division of the U.S. Army was fighting on the other side of the river Tigris, where it was fired on by mortars and rocket-propelled grenades.

Katima Mulilo

The regional office, the only brick-and-mortar building at Katima Mulilo at this time when the area consisted exclusively of pristine forests, was built under a giant Baobab situated near today's SWAPO Party regional offices.


The entire building was made of Brick, Chunnammu Chanthu ( Lime Mortar), Kadukkai ( Palmira Seed Mortar) and with the mixture of Egg White.

Lašva Valley ethnic cleansing

On 10 January 1993, just before the outbreak of hostilities in Gornji Vakuf, the HVO commander Luka Šekerija, sent a "Military – Top Secret" request to Colonel Blaškić and Dario Kordić for rounds of mortar shells available at the ammunition factory in Vitez.

Moston Community Stadium

Ronald Lindsay Johnson (24 September 1889 to 29 May 1917) was serving as an Acting Captain and Divisional Trench Mortar Officer but was mortally wounded by a German shell whilst traveling from Zillebeke Lake.


More odd items found is a musical instrument known as a "Pilgrim's horn", made in the German town of Aachen in the 15th century where such horns are known to have been used at coronation ceremonies or religious holidays, and a mortar made of Rhine basalt.

Operation Flashpoint: Red River

A terrorist group known as the East Turkestan Islamic Movement launches mortar attacks on a U.S. forward operating base (FOB) in Afghanistan, prompting the United States to launch Operation Enduring Shield, invading western Tajikistan to wipe out the insurgent threat.

Operation Pony Express

One of the Pony pilots was awarded the Silver Star when he was diverted on the way back from Dong Ha to evacuate wounded soldiers from the A Shau Valley which was under attack by heavy mortar and machine gun fire.


PASKAU can trace its beginnings to the 1970s and a mortar attack by Malayan Communist Party agents from outside an RMAF airbase, Kuala Lumpur; it resulted in the destruction of a RMAF DHC-4 Caribou transport aircraft.

Prudential, Warsaw

The Prudential was heavily damaged during World War II, particularly during the Warsaw Uprising when it was hit by approximately 1,000 artillery shells, including a single hit by 2-tonne Karl-Gerät mortar shell, leaving only the steel framework.

Queen Mary's School for Boys, Basingstoke

The army section also had a 2 inch mortar and 3.5 inch rocket launcher, together with six Sten guns.

Raglan, Monmouthshire

The Castle finally surrendered to Thomas Morgan, when Sir Thomas Fairfax arrived with 3,500 men and six deadly mortars.

Republic of Korea Presidential Unit Citation

Battalion, Gloucestershire Regiment, British Army and Troop C. 170th Independent Mortar Battery, Royal Artillery, attached, were cited for exceptionally outstanding performance of duty and extraordinary heroism in action against the armed enemy near Solma-ri, Korea on the 23rd, 24th, and 25 April 1951.

Rhodesian Armoured Corps

The regiment took part in a number of static but intense battles, notably at Mount Selinda against Mocambiquan Frelimo Forces (where a Bronze Cross was awarded to 2nd Lieutenant Rae) in 1977 and at Chirundu in October 1978, where heavy-machine gun, artillery and mortar duels took place between D Squadron and elements of the Zambian Army over a period of three days and nights near the Otto Beit Bridge.

Sarajevo Tango

The book is also dedicated to Karim Zaimović (Strip Art Features 1996 edition, page 2), a young journalist and publicist killed in Sarajevo during the siege by shell launched from Serbs mortar, and in part to Ervin Rustemagić, Hermann’s personal friend and survivor of Sarajevo siege.


The "spheres of action" assigned to different Schlasta included enemy infantry formations, airfields, artillery positions, unit headquarters, supply columns and even tanks, attacking with machine-gun fire, small fragmenting mortar bombs and hand grenades.

Siege of Duncannon

The Flagship, the Great Louis was badly damaged, its mast wrecked by cannon fire, and it took several more hits from the mortar as it tried to get away.

Star Wars: Dark Forces

Although set in the Star Wars universe, lead artist and author Justin Chin "invented" new weapons for the game, such as the Bryar pistol and Packered mortar gun, which were named after his personal favorites, such as composer Gavin Bryars and 1950s Packard automobiles, respectively.

Stokes mortar

The Stokes mortar was a British trench mortar invented by Sir Wilfred Stokes KBE that was issued to the British, Commonwealth and U.S. armies, as well as the Portuguese Expeditionary Corps (CEP), during the latter half of the First World War.

Thick bed mortar

Mortar beds were used underneath almost every tile or stone installation until the late 1950s when a chemical engineer, Henry M. Rothberg, invented the technology which introduced latex to sand/cement mortar mixes, and created a new industry based on thin bed adhesive installations by founding Laticrete International, Inc.

Tomb of Absalom

According to a local legend, Napoleon fired a mortar at the tomb, and removed the shape of a hand that topped the conical roof.


Many historic homes with classic Italianate architecture like the Werribee Mansion at Werribee Park, in Victoria, Australia west of Melbourne, show good examples of recent tuckpointing which display the contrast between the tuckpointed white lines in the mortar between the bluestone architecture.

Weapons company

In the British army, the maneuver support company possesses an Anti-Tank platoon armed with Javelin, a reconnaissance platoon, a mortar platoon (with 8 81 mm mortars), a machine gun platoon (with 9 GPMGs, but only in Light Role battalions) and an assault pioneer platoon.

see also