
unusual facts about Moshe

Aba Dunner

After leaving school, Aba learned in yeshiva in Kapellen, Belgium, and then in Luzern, Switzerland, where studied under Rabbi Moshe Soloveitchik, with whom he maintained contact throughout the remainder of his life.


Rabbi Moshe Neeman Akiva of Antopal went to Israel and survived the Safed riots of 1834.

Armenians in Israel

Instead, Ambassador Ehud Moshe Eytam, the Israeli ambassador to Armenia is based in Tbilisi, Georgia, and visits Yerevan twice a month, while the Armenian ambassador to Israel stays in France.

Aryeh Leib Shifman

Rabbi Aryeh Leib Shifman (haRav Aryeh Leib ben Moshe Ber Shifman October 24th, 1891 (Turaw, Belarus) - November 19th, 1937 (Smolensk, Russia) was a Rabbi and a student of the Chofetz Chaim.

Asher Arieli

Several of Reb Asher's students, such as Rav Eli Reznick,R Moshe Ahron Friedman,Rav Eitan Jaffan, and Rav Yosef Elefant, themselves also give lectures in Yeshivas Mir for English-speaking audiences, mainly in the Beis Yeshaya building of Mir.

Avraham Eliezer Alperstein

Upon his return to New York, Rabbi Alperstein was delighted to learn that his colleagues Rabbis Moshe Matlin and Yehuda David Bernstein had opened a Lithuanian-style yeshiva named in honour of the distinguished Rabbi Yitzchak Elchanan Spektor of Kovno.

Avraham Jacobovitz

It was in Detroit where the Rosh Kollel Rabbi Moshe Schwab שליט"א encouraged Rabbi Jacobovitz to enter the kiruv world.

Avram Hershko

Hershko was born Herskó Ferenc in Karcag, Hungary, the son of Shoshana Margit and Moshe Hershko, both teachers.

Bais Moshe

Yeshivath Beth Moshe is an Orthodox Jewish Seminary located in Scranton, Pennsylvania.

Yeshivath Beth Moshe comprises a secondary school and a collegiate-level Beis Midrash.

Blank family

On 10 July 1820, in Saint Petersburg, two sons of Moshe: Abel and Srul were baptized in the Orthodox Christianity.

Boaz Huss

In 2006 he appeared as himself in the TV movie "Decoding the Past: Secrets of Kabbalah", together with other Kabbalah scholars such as Michael Berg, Pinchas Giller, Moshe Idel, Daniel C. Matt, Ronit Meroz, and Byron Sherwin.

Caravan 841

At the beginning of the film, one of Moshe's few friends sings Bob Marley's lyrics, as he dances about, “I've gotta run like a fugitive to live the life I live...I'm going to be iron, like a lion in Zion.”

Causes of the 1948 Palestinian exodus

Other historians such as Efraim Karsh, Avraham Sela, Moshe Efrat, Ian J. Bickerton, Carla L. Klausner, and Howard Sachar share this analysis.

Chai Chidchob

He is a great admirer of Israeli politician and soldier Moshe Dayan, sometimes even calling himself "Chai Moshe".

Chaim Walkin

His maternal grandfather, Rabbi Moshe Londinsky, headed the yeshiva in Radin with the Chofetz Chaim.

Chananya Yom Tov Lipa Teitelbaum

Teitelbaum was born in Stropkov, the son of Rabbi Yekusiel Yehuda Teitelbaum of Sighet, the Yeitev Lev and Ruchl Ashkenazi, the daughter of Rabbi Moshe Dovid Ashkenazi of Tolcsva.

David Meir Frisch

•Leiter, Rabbi Moshe “The Gaon Rabbi David Meir Frisch, of Blessed Memory”, HaDarom (rabbinic periodical), Israel, 1968–1969, 28-29 (Hebrew).

Doron Mendels

Among the disciplines connected to memory, articles represented the disciplines of law (Nili Cohen), the brain (from the natural sciences: Idan Segev and Hermona Soreq), anthropology (Yoram Bilu and Moshe Shoked), psychology (Amiya Leiblich and Yonatan Slavin), Hebrew literature (Dan Laor), Israeli society and the holocaust (Arye Edrei) and philosophy (Jeffrey Barash).

Elie Rekhess

He serves as Senior Research Fellow at the Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies at Tel Aviv University and as the head of the Konrad Adenauer Program for Jewish-Arab Cooperation at Tel Aviv University.

Jacob Gil

Later on, he worked in Lufenfeld-Gemerman's office (of architects Moshe Lufenfeld & Giora Gemerman) and Yaski-Alexandroni's office, a period during which he focused mainly on the planning of dwellings, town planning and hospitals.

Jewish Vocational School Masada

In 1946, Samuel Batalion met Moshe Mordchelewitz in Eschwege at a Betar conference.


In 2001, the Jewish Publication Society published the first English translation of Judeo-Spanish folk tales, collected by Matilda Koén-Sarano, Folktales of Joha, Jewish Trickster: The Misadventures of the Guileful Sephardic Prankster. A survivor of Auschwitz, Moshe Ha'elyon, issued his translation into Ladino of the ancient Greek epic The Odyssey in 2012, in his 87th year, and is now translating the sister epic, the Iliad, into his mother tongue.

Mazkeret Moshe

Mazkeret Moshe was founded in 1882 from the ardent financial support of British Jewish financier and banker, Moses Montefiore.

Morris Rosenfeld

Morris Rosenfeld (Moshe Jacob Alter) (December 28, 1862 in Stare Boksze in Russian Poland, government of Suwałki – June 22, 1923 in New York) was a Yiddish poet.

Moshe Halberstam

Rabbi Moshe Halberstam (April 1, 1932 – April 26, 2006) was the son of Grand Rabbi Yaakov Halberstam of Tschakava, a scion of the Sanz dynasty, and of the daughter of Rabbi Sholom Moskowitz of Shotz of London.

Moshe Schick

At the age of 11, Moshe Shik was sent to study with his uncle, Rabbi Yitzchak Frankel, the Av Beth Din in Regensdorf.

Moshe Shatzkes

Moshe Shatzkes (1881–1958) was a renowned rabbi, Talmudic scholar and noted genius, commonly known as the "Lomzshe/Łomża Rov".

Moshe Ya'ish al-Nahari

Moshe Ya'ish al-Nahari, a 30 year old father of nine, lived in the small Jewish community of Raydah, Amran province in northern Yemen.

October 22nd Scud missile attack

On October 20 the Defence Minister of Israel Moshe Dayan and the Chief of Staff David Elazar considered conquering Port Said and Port Fuad.

Operation Moshe

Operation Moses (Moshe), the covert removal of Ethiopian Jews from Sudan in 1984

Prefixes in Hebrew

A mnemonic to remember these letters is "Eitan, Moshe, v'Kalev" (Hebrew: אית"ן מש"ה וכל"ב) which translates to "Eitan, Moshe, and Caleb.


Query by Example, devised by Moshé M. Zloof at IBM Research during the mid-1970s

Restoring Courage tour

It featured an invocation by Rabbi Moshe Rothchild, remarks by Beck, actor and activist Jon Voight, the screening of the documentary film Kleiner Rudy by Michelle Stein Teer about her grandfather, Holocaust survivor Rudy Wolff and personal family memoirs, a short documentary about a solemn tour by Beck and his wife Tania of Auschwitz, and a panel discussion including Beck, Rabbi David Greenblatt of United With Israel, David Brog of Christians United for Israel, and author Mike Evans.

Right-to-work law

Some opponents (such as Richard Kahlenberg and Moshe Z. Marvit) have argued that while a wonderfully effective political slogan, "right-to-work" is a misnomer because the lack of such a law does not deprive anyone of the right to work; a right-to-work law simply "gives employees the right to be free riders--to benefit from collective bargaining without paying for it".

Salah Shehade

In January 2009, the National Audience, a special and exceptional high court in Spain, began a war crimes probe into the attack that killed Shehade, with persons investigated including Mofaz, Dichter, Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, Moshe Ya'alon, Doron Almog, Giora Eiland and Mike Herzog.

Sholom Noach Berezovsky

The rosh yeshiva, Rabbi Avrohom Shmuel Hirshovitz was a grandson of Rabbi Eliezer Gordon of Telz, and its mashgiach, Rabbi Moshe Midner was a grandson of the Yesod Ho'Avoda and a student of Rabbi Chaim Soloveitchik; the Yeshiva thus combined the Lithuanian Talmudic style of the Misnagdic yeshivas with the Hasidic approach.

Shuli Mualem

In 1997 her husband Moshe was one of 73 people killed in a helicopter disaster.

Środa Treasure

Around 1348, needing funds to support his claim to the King of the Romans, Charles pawned various items to the Jewish banker Muscho (Moshe, Mojżesz) in Środa (the town of Środa was then part of the Duchy of Wroclaw (Breslau) which in 1335 had passed under reign of Bohemian kings).


William H. Starbuck, Moshe Farjoun (Eds.): Organization at the Limit: Lessons from the Columbia Disaster. Blackwell, Malden 2005, ISBN 140513108X.

Targum Press

Targum Press was founded in 1984 by noted Jerusalem-based educator, the late Rabbi Moshe Dombey, at the time a lecturer at yeshiva Ohr Somayach and Neve Yerushalayim seminary.

The Seventy Years Declaration

The Seventy Years Declaration was a declaration initiated by academics Dovid Katz and Danny Ben-Moshe and released on 20 January 2012 to protest against the policies of several European states and European Union bodies on the evaluation, remembrance and prosecution of crimes committed under communist dictatorships in Europe, specifically policies of many European countries and the EU treating the Nazi and Stalinist regimes in Eastern and Central Europe as equally criminal.

Uncle Moishy and the Mitzvah Men

Lead musician and singer Moshe Tanenbaum is a Hasidic Orthodox Jew who stars as "Uncle Moishy" who leads his "Mitzvah Men" in song and verse that expresses the observant religious lifestyle of Orthodox Judaism.

Vayoel Moshe

The name of the book is a statement in the bible that also notates his name and his grandfather's name—Joel and Moshe respectively.

Yeshiva Gedolah Zichron Moshe

Yeshiva Gedolah Zichron Moshe, also known as Yeshiva of South Fallsburg, is a private rabbinical college located in a rural setting in South Fallsburg, Sullivan County, New York.

Yeshivat Torat Shraga

Morning Seder: Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Avishai David, Rabbi Moshe Nechemiah Reichman (son of Rabbi Hershel Reichman), Rabbi Avraham Lubarsky, Rabbi Moshe Willig (son of Rabbi Mordechai Willig), Rav David Shamula, Rabbi Avi Schneider, Rabbi Judah Goldshmidt, Rabbi Dr. Howard Apfel, Rabbi Andi Yudin.

Yosif Feigelson

Mr. Feigelson has collaborated with some of the world's best known musicians as soprano Barbara Hendrix, pianists Vladimir Feltsman and Bella Davidovich, violinist Oleh Krysa, violist Yuri Bashmet, conductors Neeme Jarvi, Gennady Rozhdestvennsky, Lukas Foss, Lawrence Foster, Gerard Schwarz, Andre Raphel Smith, David Amram and Moshe Atzmon.

see also