Scott Goodson, the founder of StrawberryFrog has written that brands can "identify, crystallize, curate and sponsor movements, accelerating their rise."
Large companies applying this model currently include Mahindra, PepsiCo and Procter & Gamble.
International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement | Non-Aligned Movement | Marketing | marketing | Union for a Popular Movement | Arts and Crafts movement | Oxford Movement | Indian independence movement | White movement | Temperance movement | Movement for Democratic Change | Polish resistance movement in World War II | Latter Day Saint movement | conservation movement | Resistance movement | Italian resistance movement | 19th of April Movement | temperance movement | Orange Democratic Movement | Movement for Democratic Change – Tsvangirai | movement | Garden city movement | Conservation movement | Rastafari movement | Quit India Movement | Good Roads Movement | World Organization of the Scout Movement | United National Movement | Tea Party movement | resistance movement |