Views within Sunni Islam branched off even further in later generations, with Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi defining even a simple majority view as constituting consensus and Ibn Taymiyyah restricting consensus to the view of the religiously learned only.
Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi (born 865), Persian alchemist, chemist, physician, philosopher and scholar
Muhammad | Muhammad Ali | Muhammad Yunus | Muhammad Ali Jinnah | Muhammad Iqbal | Muhammad Ali of Egypt | Hussain Muhammad Ershad | Muhammad Shah | Ibn Khaldun | Ibn Battuta | Husayn ibn Ali | Hasan ibn Ali | Raja Muhammad Fayyaz Ahmad | Muhammad al-Mahdi | Ibn Hisham | Muhammad Ahmad | Muhammad Abdul Qadeer Siddiqi Qadri | Jābir ibn Hayyān | Ibn Ezra | Abraham ibn Ezra | Tariq ibn Ziyad | Nur Muhammad Taraki | Muhammad Saleh Kamboh | Muhammad al-Baqir | Idris Muhammad | Ibn Battuta Mall | Ibn Arabi | Baha-ud-din Zakariya | Atta Muhammad Nur | Solomon ibn Gabirol |
Abu Hatim Ahmad ibn Hamdan al-Razi (died ca. 934), Isma'ili theologian and philosopher
Abu Zur’a al-Razi was a relative of another famous Muhaddith Abu Hatim al-Razi (Muhammad ibn Idris).
He was well read in philosophy, knowing the works of al-Kindi and al-Razi, the Aristotelian thought of al-Farabi and the Platonic writings.
Thereafter he studied The Canon of Medicine itself, as well as the Hawi by Razi and the Complete Book on Medicine by al-Majusi, as well as the medical writings of Najib al-Din al-Samarqandi.
Abraham Hyacinthe Anquetil-Duperron identifies the author as 'Ata'i, who is further identified as 'Amid Abu'l 'Ala' 'Ata b. Yaqub Kateb Razi by Blochet. He was a poet of the Ghaznavid court and died around 1078-1079. The language of the Borzu-nama is characteristics of texts of the 11th century. The story is versified in the same meter and style of Ferdowsi's Shahnama.
Some notable films made outside Afghanistan include Shirin Gul-o-Shir Agha trilogy made in Russia, Foreign Land, Sheraghai Daghalbaaz, In The Wrong Hands, Shade of Fire,( Asheyana)london (khana Badosh)london(Do Atash)Holland( Waris)Holland3 Friends, Al Qarem in United States, Shekast in Pakistan, Aftaab e Bighroob in Tajikistan Kidnapping in Germany and in Italy Gridami by Razi Mohebi .
Elgood's major achievement was that he managed to combine the commonly delved into history of Post-Islamic Persia as cited through works of such Arabophone Persians such as Ali Abbas Majusi, Razi, and Avicenna, with the less commonly studied history of medicine in Pre-Islamic Persia.
Ibn Abi Sadiq also wrote a commentary on the Prognostics of Hippocrates, on Galen's treatise On the Usefulness of the Parts, and on Razi's treatise Doubts about Galen (Shukuk ‘alá Jalinus).
Many anonymous translations are attributed to Me'ati, among them: (1) Razi's treatise on bleeding, "Ma'amar be-Haḳḳazah"; (2) Zahrawi's Kitab al-Taṣrif (Hebrew title, "Ẓeruf"); (3) Ibn Zuhr's "Kitab al-Aghdhiyah" (Hebrew title, "Sefer ha-Ṃezonot"); (4) an anonymous work on the causes of eclipses entitled "Ma'amar 'al Sibbot Liḳḳut ha-Me'orot."
Rawz al-jinan wa ruh al-jinan (The Cool Breeze of Paradise and God's Breath for the Soul) also known as Tafsīr Abū al- Futūḥ is an exegesis on the Quran written by Abu l-Futuh al-Razi in the 12th century.
Father of Sayyid Razi: His father Abu Ahmed Husayn bin Musa was fifth in line of descent from the 7th Imam, Musa al-Kazim and held the prestigious position of the "Naqib al-Nuqaba" of Iraq, a responsibility which required the managing of affairs of the Sadat's (Prophet's descendants) .