
unusual facts about NGOs

Agency Co-ordinating Body for Afghan Relief

The organization was originally based in Peshawar, Pakistan, where its main focus was coordinating NGOs' humanitarian response.

All-party parliamentary group

For example while the APPG on Agriculture and Food for Development numbers over 70 MPs and Peers as members it also has a number of external stakeholders including NGOs, universities, scientific research centres and multilateral bodies.

Andrey Sychyov

This case caused public opinion in Russia and especially NGOs like the Union of the Committees of Soldiers' Mothers of Russia (CSMR) to blame the current administration, in particular Defense Minister Sergey Ivanov, for tolerating the practice of dedovshchina, an organized system of hazing, inside the military ranks.

Association for Progressive Communications

Southern and Northern NGOs meeting in Nairobi identified e-mail and the APC conferences as a tool for distance-lobbying the Earth Summit.

Australian Network of Environmental Defenders Offices

Several major Australian NGOs, including ANEDO and the Australian Conservation Foundation, have been lobbying has for some years for the inclusion of global warming as a matter of national environmental significance in Australia's main environmental protection legislation, the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.


NGOs, international human rights organisations, and the Anti-Eviction Campaign have publicly criticised the conditions in Blikkiesdorp and how they say it is used to reinforce the eviction of poor families especially to make way for the 2010 FIFA World Cup.

Blogging Tories

It currently serves as a central hub for national conservative NGOs including the Canadian Taxpayers Federation and the National Citizens Coalition.

Community of Democracies

Leading up to the 2005 meeting in Santiago, the Chilean Executive Secretariat coordinated meetings of NGOs in six regions where civil society representatives met to discuss challenges and democracy deficits in their respective regions.

Consortium of British Humanitarian Agencies

The Consortium of British Humanitarian Agencies(CBHA) consists of 15 UK based NGOs - ActionAid, Action Against Hunger, CARE International UK, CAFOD, Christian Aid, Concern Worldwide UK, Helpage International, International Rescue Committee, Islamic Relief Worldwide, Merlin, Oxfam GB, Plan International UK, Save the Children UK, Tearfund and World Vision UK.


Cordaid is working closely with national and international NGOs, such as Darfur Emergency Response, Faith Based Network, Pax Christi, STOP AIDS NOW!, Impunity Watch and United Civilians for Peace.

Croatian Growth

Its founding was initiated by several conservative Catholic NGOs, Croatian section of Radio Maria, Croatian Republican Union, Family Party, demochristian politician Ante Ledić, author Hrvoje Hitrec and two candidates in 2010 Presidential elections in Croatia, historian Josip Jurčević and Miroslav Tuđman, son of first Croatian president Franjo Tuđman.

DB Realty

DB Realty supports NGOs through philanthropic initiatives, including most recently, benefit presentations of the Pulitzer Prize winning play, Dinner with Friends.

Dhirubhai Ambani International School

Socially Useful Productive Work Programme students work with Indian NGOs such as Advitya, Akanksha, CCDT, Muktangan, Pratham, Eve, Village Project, Goonj and Ishara.

Djely Karifa

Born in Dabola into an affluent family, he has been Guinean secretary general of CAPSDH, President of the African Peace Academy ACAP based in Algiers and also of Coordination of African Human Rights NGOs in Geneva, his current place of residence.

East Bardera Mothers and Children's Hospital

UN agencies such as WHO, UNICEF and other international NGOs such MSF have supported the health-care services which are carried out in Bardera District.

European Network Against Racism

The European Network Against Racism (ENAR) is an EU-wide network of NGOs in all European Union Member States and Iceland.

Expanded Program on Immunization

The GAVI brought together a grand coalition, including the UN agencies and institutions (WHO, UNICEF, the World Bank), public health institutes, donor and implementing countries, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and The Rockefeller Foundation, the vaccine industry, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and many more.


On 20 May, twenty-two conservative NGOs, including the far right-wing Noua Dreaptă, called on the Romanian Orthodox Church to oppose the pride parade.

Gerd Nonneman

He has acted as a consultant to or worked with a range of companies, national and international official institutions including the Foreign & Commonwealth Office, foreign ministries in Europe and the Middle East, the European Commission, and various NGOs - ranging from Amnesty International to the Bertelsmann Foundation.

Global Environmental Institute

GEI-China is one of a small number of NGOs based in China, and works closely with a number of important government and academic institutions in China (including the Ministry of Environmental Protection, State Forestry Administration, Tibet Development Fund and Tsinghua University).

Green New Deal

The proposals of the Green New Deal generally echo the recommendations of UN-mandated organizations like ICLEI or the TEEB, of global NGOs, and of the Basel II and related monetary accords, especially as these relate to reforms to measurement of fundamental ecosystem risk and financial liabilities.

Gun politics in Brazil

The gun ban proposal received mixed support in the press, while celebrities were generally in favor, and drew the attention of international NGOs such as the NRA and the IANSA who financed Brazilian anti-ban lobbying groups and right-wing press, most importantly Veja the Brazilian news magazine (indeed weekly publication of any kind) with the largest paid circulation in the country.

Gyan Vani

Gyan Vani stations operate as a media cooperative with the day-to-day programmes being contributed by various educational institutions, NGOs, government and semi-government organizations, UN agencies, ministries such as Agriculture, Environment, Health, Women and Child Welfare, Science & Technology, etc. besides national level institutions such as NCERT, NIOS and state open universities.

HIV/AIDS in Nepal

At this meeting Rabindra Prasad Adhikari acknowledged that an effective response to HIV has to be a joint response between the Government and NGOs operating in Nepal.

Hong Kong Council

The Hong Kong Council of Social Service, a council coordinating NGOs in the social service field in Hong Kong

Human Rights Day

Celebrations took place in Phnom Penh and around Cambodia, including a march by 5000 people, and a further 1000 people releasing balloons, organised by NGOs.

Human trafficking in Madagascar

Although nine Regional Committees to Fight Child Labor worked to increase coordination among government entities, NGOs, and ILO/IPEC under the framework of the National Action Plan for the Fight Against Child Labor, the Ministry of Labor’s five child labor inspectors were insufficient to cover areas beyond Antananarivo or in informal economic sectors.

Human trafficking in Togo

The Ministry of Social Affairs, the Ministry of Child Protection, and The National Committee for the Reception and Reinsertion of Trafficked Children assisted victims primarily by alerting two NGOs in Lomé that provide immediate victim care, and by working with these organizations to return victims to their home communities.

INGOs Conference of the Council of Europe

It is the only assembly of NGOs playing an institutional role in an international intergovernmental organization.

International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia

A new petition was launched in cooperation with LGBT organizations in 2009, and it was supported by more than 300 NGOs from 75 countries, as well as three Nobel Prize winners (Elfriede Jelinek, Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, and Luc Montagnier).

Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh

Reports have claimed that, funding of JMB by international NGOs like Kuwait based Society of the Revival of Islamic Heritage (RIHS) and Doulatul Kuwait, Saudi Arabia based Al Haramaine Islamic Institute and Rabita Al Alam Al Islami, Qatar Charitable Society and UAE-based Al Fuzaira and Khairul Ansar Al Khairia.

Kav LaOved

2006 – Kav LaOved won the Silver Rose award, granted by Solidar – an independent international alliance of NGOs – for its efforts in the field of workers rights.

Linda Arrigo

She taught at Shih Hsin University in Taipei and acted as a liaison for non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

Maya ICBG bioprospecting controversy

The Maya ICBG bioprospecting controversy took place in 1999–2000, when the International Cooperative Biodiversity Group led by Ethnobiologist Dr. Brent Berlin was accused of being engaged in unethical forms of bioprospecting (biopiracy), by several NGOs and indigenous organizations.

Media of Somalia

Also overseen by the Ministry of Information, Posts and Telecommunication, the consultative meeting was held at the Aden Adde International Airport and attended by over 30 Somali media organizations, international media law experts, publishers and NGOs.

Migrant sex work

Because of the UAE's large migrant worker population, restrictive labor contracts, and lack of anti-trafficking partnerships with NGOs, the United States Department of State Trafficking In Persons Report gave UAE a series of Tier 3 and Tier 2 Watchlist rankings.

The existence of anti-human trafficking NGOs has also been spurred by the United States Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons' Trafficking In Persons Report.

Military Coups in Nigeria

They worked closely with the campaign for democracy as well as attracting the attention of the UN and the support of international NGOs to protest against the Abacha regime.

Mithi River

In 2009, environmentalist and Magsaysay Award winner, Rajendra Singh lead a yatra, of a group of environmentalist and NGOs, through Mumbai city along the endangered Mithi river to highlight its problems.


Movement against Intimidation, Threat and Revenge against Activists (MITRA), a network of NGOs and activists based in Mumbai

National Disaster Management Organization

NADMO received support from other agencies such as the Ghana Refugee Board, the Catholic Secretariat, UN High Commissioner for Refugees, UNICEF, UN Population Fund, and other NGOs for the provision of humanitarian services to potential asylum seekers.

New Israel Fund

In 2003 and 2008, the Ford Foundation provided five-year grants worth $20 million each to NGOs in Israel through the New Israel Fund.


Oxfam, International Aid, Giving Children Hope, Save the Children Fund, World Vision, Surf Aid, Safe Harbor International and Caritas International are some of the international NGOs represented in Nias.

Social audit

Civil society organisations (CSOs), nongovernmental organisations (NGOs), political representatives, civil servants and workers of Dungarpur district of Rajasthan and Anantapur district of Andhra Pradesh collectively organise such social audits to prevent mass corruption under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA).

Social capital

In international development, Ben Fine and John Harriss have been heavily critical of the inappropriate adoption of social capital as a supposed panacea (promoting civil society organisations and NGOs, for example, as agents of development) for the inequalities generated by neo liberal economic development.


Tame is mainly used by journalists (e.g. ZDF, ARD, Die Zeit), politicians, PR and marketing experts as well as NGOs.

The Shadow Factory

Kinne says that they were listening to the phone calls of Americans in the middle east making calls back to the states, including NGOs, aid workers, and journalists at the Palestine Hotel.

Uganda Landmine Survivors Association

The Uganda Landmine Survivors Association is composed of district-level survivor groups across the country and other like minded NGOs and stakeholders whose mandate include addressing landmine related issues, support to landmine survivors and other persons with disabilities, including survivor groups in Apac, Lira, Gulu, Kasese, Kitgum, Oyam and Pader.

Universal Periodic Review

and NGOs in consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) have the opportunity to make ‘general comments’ before the adoption of the outcome report.

Zahamena National Park

As one of WWF’s Global 200 priority eco-regions for conservation priority attention has been given by international agencies (such as the Wildlife Conservation Society and Conservation International, IUCN and NGOs) to carry out conservation activities in the park which involves prevention of encroachments and threat to wildlife.

see also