NMR spectra database | NMR database method | Fluorine-19 NMR | Earth's field NMR | Collaborative Computing Project for NMR | Carbon-13 NMR |
He has achieved his most important results by use of spectroscopy: he has studied bioactive peptides with CD, NMR spectroscopy and molecular modelling.
Nanalysis NMReady offers a 60 MHz benchtop NMR instrument that weighs 20 kg.
Blunt-snouted dolphin (Platalearostrum hoekmani, "Albert Hoekman's spoon-rostrum") is a prehistoric pilot whale known from a single specimen (NMR-9991-00005362), consisting of a partial rostrum, partial maxilla, partial premaxilla, and partial vomer.
Even if the product can not be isolated, other analytical techniques can be performed on the solution including NMR, EPR, UV-Vis, FTIR, among others techniques depending on the specific situation.
Collaborative Computing Project for NMR - A project for computational aspects NMR spectroscopy.
For example, data binning may be used when small instrumental shifts in the spectral dimension from MS or NMR experiments will be falsely interpreted as representing different components, when a collection of data profiles is subjected to pattern recognition analysis.
The Magnetic Resonance Research Centre has been situated at the West Cambridge site since it was built in 1997 and houses four Bruker NMR spectrometers in addition to lower field equipment such as Earth's field NMR equipment.
Frahm J, Haase A, Matthaei D. Rapid NMR imaging of dynamic processes using the FLASH technique.
Frahm J, Haase A, Hänicke W, Merboldt KD, Matthaei D. Hochfrequenz-Impuls und Gradienten-Impuls-Verfahren zur Aufnahme von schnellen NMR-Tomogrammen unter Benutzung von Gradientenechos.
The range of purity required can be from that required for basic analysis (SDS-PAGE or ELISA, for example), with only bulk impurities removed, to pure enough for structural analysis (NMR or X-ray crystallography), approaching >99% target molecule.
In 1845 the railway was sold to George Hudson's York and North Midland Railway (Y&NMR); additional parliamentary powers were obtained (by the W&P) to make various improvements to its alignment and to permit the introduction of steam power and the line was converted from single into a fully double track steam powered railway.
The structure and activity of the hairpin ribozyme has been explored using a wide range of complementary experimental methods, including nucleotide replacement, functional group substitution, combinatorial selection, fluorescence spectroscopy, covalent crosslinking, NMR analysis and x-ray crystallography.
Often thought of as a hybrid between quantum dot and NMR quantum computers, the Kane computer is based on an array of individual phosphorus donor atoms embedded in a pure silicon lattice.
The aggregate widths can be determined by CP/MAS NMR developed by Innventia AB, Sweden, which also has been demonstrated to work for nanocellulose (enzymatic pre-treatment).
NMR spectra database, a collection of NMR spectra for a large number of compounds
Mosher's acid contains a -CF3 group, so if the adduct has no other fluorine atoms, the 19F NMR of a racemic mixture shows just two peaks, one for each stereoisomer.
During the 1969-1979 academic year he worked in the chemistry department at Stanford University, doing NMR-related research with the help of local businesses Syntex and Varian Associates.
Behaviour change management is promoted among the poor household to reduce IMR & NMR and facilitates linkages with the health system at a local level in order to improve access of health services.
Membrane proteins and amyloid fibrils, the latter related to Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease, are two examples of application where solid-state NMR spectroscopy complements solution-state NMR spectroscopy and beam diffraction methods (e.g. X-ray crystallography, electron microscopy).
x11vnc is known to have been run on the following types of systems: Electron microscope, MRI and Radiology image analysis system, Power plant and Oil platform management consoles, Materials distribution control, Ship self-defense system testing, NMR systems, Silicon wafer analysis microscope, and Theater and concert lighting control.