
unusual facts about Najd, Gaza

2008 breach of the Gaza–Egypt border

Ahmed Yousef, a senior adviser to Gaza's Prime Minister Ismail Haniya, warned that "The next time there is a crisis in the Gaza Strip, Israel will have to face half a million Palestinians who will march toward Erez," a border crossing with Israel, and on to towns left during the 1948 Palestinian exodus.

Aisha Association for Woman and Child Protection

AISHA Association for Women and Child Protection (AISHA), established in 2009, is an independent Palestinian women organization working to achieve gender integration through economic empowerment and psychosocial support to marginalized groups in the Gaza Strip with focus on Gaza City and the North area.


Joshua finally expelled them from the land, excepting a remnant that found a refuge in the cities of Gaza, Gath, and Ashdod (Josh. 11:22).

Avi Dichter

In Matar v. Dichter, the Center for Constitutional Rights filed a federal class action lawsuit against Dichter on behalf of the Palestinians killed or injured in a 2002 "targeted killing" air strike in Gaza.


Awn Access to Justice Network in Gaza Strip, Legal Aid Network operate in Gaza Strip, Palestine.

Bahiyyih Nakhjavani

It describes events set in the Najd plateau along the pilgrim route between Mecca and Medina during one day in 1844-1845, when a mysterious saddlebag passes from hand to hand, and influences the lives of each person who comes across it.

Battle of Dathin

The Byzantine commander (dux and candidatus) Sergius assembled a small detachment of soldiers (due to shortness of troops), and led that mounted army from his base at Caesarea some 125 kilometers south to the vicinity of Gaza.

Chicago Hearing

The organization, along with the International Committee of the Red Cross and the League of Red Cross Societies, was asked by the United Nations to organize relief work for Palestinian refugees in the Gaza Strip.

Controversial newspaper caricatures

The cartoon was based on Goya's Saturn Devouring His Son and was penned after a pre-election raid by Israeli missiles on Gaza City.


Since the beginning of the Second Intifada, Dahaniya residents were banned from entering the Gaza Strip and carried weapons in the village from fear for their lives.

Durham Palestine Educational Trust

Starting in 1984 (initially it was called the Durham Birzeit Studentship Fund), the Trust has brought students from the West Bank and Gaza to study in a wide variety of academic departments, including Archaeology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Durham Business School, Economics, Engineering, English, Mathematics, Modern Languages, Physics and Social Work.

Eyeless in Gaza

The title of the book, like Milton's poem, recalls the biblical story of Samson, who was captured by the Philistines, his eyes burned out, and taken to Gaza, where he was forced to work grinding grain in a mill.

Faisal Equestrian Club

The track is the site of horse races, a "popular sport" in Gaza according a 1994 article in the Rocky Mountain News.

First Intifada

Mass demonstrations had occurred a year earlier when, after two Gaza students at Birzeit University had been shot by Israeli soldiers on campus on December 4, 1986, the Israelis responded with harsh punitive measures, involving summary arrest, detention and systematic beatings of handcuffed Palestinian youths, ex-prisoners and activists, some 250 of whom were detained in four cells inside a converted army camp, known popularly as Ansar 11, outside Gaza city.

Flexible barge

Spragg has proposed to deliver water from the Manavgat River in Turkey across the Mediterranean Sea to Israel and the Gaza Strip, which has an extreme shortage of water, which presently is being reviewed by the World Bank.

Gaza Freedom Flotilla

Greta Berlin of the Free Gaza Movement said that electric wires may have been tampered with.

Gaza journey of MV Rachel Corrie

Greta Berlin, a spokeswoman for the Free Gaza group, said the takeover was "another outrage to add to the nine murdered" and denied an Israeli statement that troops had been invited aboard.

Gerry MacLochlainn

On 26 May 2009, he crossed Rafah into the Gaza Strip with the Hope For Gaza convoy of medical aid.

Hamas–UNRWA Holocaust dispute

UNRWA chief in Gaza John Ging said he believed the dispute over the syllabus had more to do with attempts by Hamas to meddle in the U.N. organization's affairs than with the Holocaust.

History of Khuzestan Province

In retaliation, Shapur II led an expedition through Bahrain, defeated the combined forces of the Arab tribes of Taghleb, Bakr bin Wael, and Abd Al-Qays and advanced temporarily into Yamama in central Najd.


Mas'ud al-Madi was the governor of Gaza at the time of the Egyptian invasion.

Israel–Qatar relations

Some sources have said that a senior figure from Qatar paid a visit to Israel in mid-January 2008 and met with Israeli leaders to discuss the situation in Gaza and the possibility of jump starting stagnant negotiations over the release of Gilad Shalit.

Jamal Abdel Nasser Street

Jamal Abdel Nasser Street (also spelled Gamal Abdel Nasser Street and alternatively known as Thalatheny Street) is a major street in Gaza that originates in the Old City where it branches off Ni'im al-Din al-Arabi Street and runs north into Rimal where it connects to Ahmed Orabi Street, the main coastal highway.

Jewish settlement

Israeli settlement, Jewish communities currently established in the West Bank and in the Golan Heights, between 1967 and 2006 in the Gaza Strip and between 1967 and between 1967 and 1982 in the Sinai Peninsula


Jerusalem Media & Communication Centre, a Palestinian organization which provides information about the West Bank and in Gaza.


Gush Katif, the largest former Israeli settlement bloc in the Gaza Strip

Layla bint al-Minhal

When Khalid reached Najd he found no opposing army, so he sent his cavalry to nearby villages and ordered them to call the Azaan (call for prayers) to each party they meet.

Let Me Stand Alone

Corrie was killed in 2003 by an Israel Defense Forces armored bulldozer while protesting the destruction of a Gaza house which allegedly contained tunnels for smuggling weapons from Egypt.

Mahmoud al-Mabhouh

Just before his killing, Mabhouh was alleged to have played a key role in forging secret connections between the Hamas government in Gaza and the Al-Quds Force of the Revolutionary Guards in Iran.

Mousa Mohammed Abu Marzook

Following the eight-day cross-border battle between Israel and Hamas in November, 2012, Moussa Abu Marzouk said that Hamas would not stop making weapons in Gaza or smuggling them to the territory.

MV Mavi Marmara

The Israeli government decided on July 23, 2010 to release the three ships of the Gaza Freedom flotilla, two of which had been moored at the Port of Haifa and the third at the Port of Ashdod since their interception.

Neve Dekalim

Hamas turned the site into a barbed-wire enclosed training camp from which Qassam rockets were launched into Israel.It was the largest Jewish settlement in the Gaza Strip.

Palestinian hip hop

American filmmaker Jackie Salloum's 2008 feature length documentary Slingshot Hip Hop traces the history and development of Palestinian Hip Hop in Israel, the West Bank and Gaza Strip from the time DAM pioneered the art form in the late 1990s.

Peter M. Fischer

He is the founder and director of the Swedish Jordan Expedition (since 1989), the Palestinian-Swedish Expedition at Tall al-Ajjul, Gaza (co-director Dr. M. Sadeq since 1999).

Prince of Wales's Own Civil Service Rifles

:* Festubert 1915, Loos, Somme 1916 '18, Flers-Courcelette, Le Transloy, Messines 1917, Ypres 1917, Cambrai 1917, St. Quentin, Ancre 1918, Albert 1918, Bapaume 1918, Pursuit to Mons, France and Flanders 1915-18, Doiran 1917, Macedonia 1916-17, Gaza, Nebi Samwil, Jerusalem, Palestine 1917-18

RAF Gaza

During the Second World War RAF Gaza was used by a number of RAF squadrons, including 33, 45, 127, 208, 318 and 451 Squadrons.

Rashid Al Zlami

he is from Utaybah tribe, one of the most pre-eminent tribes of the Najd region and also hijaz region.

Ridwan dynasty

Musa Pasha succeeded his brother as governor of Gaza and central Palestine the same year.

Salah Khalaf

His father, who came from Gaza, ran a grocery in Carmel, where half of his clients were Jewish and he spoke Hebrew, which his son also picked up from companions among Sephardic Jews.

Shahira Amin

Amin became the subject of criticism after she interviewed Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit on October 18, 2011 in Egypt, following Shalit's release from more than five years of captivity in Gaza but preceding his return to Israel and reunification with his family.

Shaul Mishal

In an address to a group of European MPs, The Hamas leader in Gaza, Ismail Haniyeh, said his government was willing to accept a Palestinian state within the 1967 borders.

Shmuel Zakai

Zakai resigned as commander of the IDF's Gaza Division, a position he had held since March 2004, after failing a polygraph test during an investigation into leaks to the Israeli media during the Days of Penitence operation in the northern Gaza Strip in October 2004.


Sufa, Israel, a kibbutz in Israel and a border crossing between Israel and the Gaza Strip

Women for Israel's Tomorrow

Nadia Matar, the group's co-chair, caused controversy across the Israeli political spectrum in September 2004 when she compared the government's intention to remove Israeli settlers from Gaza to the involvement of the Judenrat ("Jewish Council") in Berlin in 1942, which under orders from the German government organized the expulsion of the Jewish community from that city.

see also