Benoist Apparu (born 24 November 1969) was Secretary of State for Housing under the Minister of Ecology, Sustainable Development, Transport and Housing, Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet, in the François Fillon III government, and a member of the National Assembly of France.
On August 2012, he announced that he would be a candidate for the presidency of the Union for a Popular Movement, competing against former Prime Minister François Fillon, Secretary General Jean-François Copé and former Minister for Ecology Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet.
She comes from a political family with Polish roots (from Józef Tomasz Kościuszko 1743–1789, brother of the famous Tadeusz Kościuszko).
He has close connections to the French government through various meetings with Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet.
The Environment minister Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet announced the creation of a commission charged with evaluating the environmental impact of shale gas production, adding "no authorizations for shale gas exploration will be given, or even considered, before the commission reports".
This charter was signed under the auspices of FEVAD, Fédération du e-commerce et de la vente (Federation of e-business and distance selling) and Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet, Secretary of State for Forward Planning, Assessment of Public Policies and Development of the Digital Economy.
Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet | Nathalie Stutzmann | Nathalie Normandeau | Nathalie Makoma | Nathalie Sarraute | Nathalie Ménigon | Nathalie Cardone | Performance during ''Idol'', from left to right Nathalie Makoma, Charlene Meulenberg and Nikki Kerkhof | Nathalie Viérin | Nathalie Simard | Nathalie Lunghi (née Nathalie-Kathleen Mary Lunghi-Joffé) | Nathalie Lunghi | Nathalie Lambert | Nathalie Käppler | Nathalie Descamps | Nathalie... | Murder of Nathalie Mahy and Stacy Lemmens | Kosciusko County, Indiana | Kosciusko County |