Arrested with her comrades Jean-Marc Rouillan, Nathalie Ménigon and Georges Cipriani on 21 February 1987 on a farm in Vitry-aux-Loges (Loiret), she was sentenced in 1989 and 1994 to life in prison, with a minimum of 18 years.
Joëlle Aubron, along with Nathalie Ménigon, is considered to be directly responsible for these two assassinations, though their respective roles have not been determined.
She was convicted in 1989 for the 1986 assassination of Georges Besse, then-President of Renault, and of the 1985 assassinaton of René Audran, a senior official at the French French Ministry of Defence.
Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet | Nathalie Stutzmann | Nathalie Normandeau | Nathalie Makoma | Nathalie Sarraute | Nathalie Ménigon | Nathalie Cardone | Performance during ''Idol'', from left to right Nathalie Makoma, Charlene Meulenberg and Nikki Kerkhof | Nathalie Viérin | Nathalie Simard | Nathalie Lunghi (née Nathalie-Kathleen Mary Lunghi-Joffé) | Nathalie Lunghi | Nathalie Lambert | Nathalie Käppler | Nathalie Descamps | Nathalie... | Murder of Nathalie Mahy and Stacy Lemmens |