Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet | Nathalie Stutzmann | Nathalie Normandeau | Nathalie Makoma | Nathalie Sarraute | Nathalie Ménigon | Nathalie Cardone | Performance during ''Idol'', from left to right Nathalie Makoma, Charlene Meulenberg and Nikki Kerkhof | Nathalie Viérin | Nathalie Simard | Nathalie Lunghi (née Nathalie-Kathleen Mary Lunghi-Joffé) | Nathalie Lunghi | Nathalie Lambert | Nathalie Käppler | Nathalie Descamps | Nathalie... | Murder of Nathalie Mahy and Stacy Lemmens |
Arrested with his accomplices Jean-Marc Rouillan, Joëlle Aubron and Nathalie Ménigonin on 21 February 1987 on a farm in Vitry-aux-Loges (Loiret), Cipriani was sentenced to life in prison for his role in the assassinations of Engineer General René Audran and Georges Besse.